Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Life's the same when moving Stereo

I really am not as filled with contempt over these NeoProgs passing rationed death over the will of the America Citizens, but what has me overflowing from the brim is the reality that Rep. Eric Massa, actually revealed the greater scam in Nancy Pelosi has had little House Democrats heads counted for a month and Obama has known in this period of time rationed death would pass.....and yet this political bastard of British birth, has been lying to Americans in stage theater from inviting the GOP to come and "talk" to the event which really has this blog disgruntled in Obama is going to spend around 100 million dollars on absolutely nothing but a sham political event to make him look like "he won one" and is manly.

Let me explain in this, in they have known for weeks that the House would pass Obamacare. Yet what has Emmanuel, Axelrod, Pelosi, Jarrett and Reid been staging with these fake Blue Dogs and fake pro life Stupak types?
Why Obama staged theater to make it look like he took his coat off, rolled up his sleeves, gave fighting speeches across America, all to make him appear that he pulled this out....when it was already a done deal on death for Americans.

Obama flying around America is horse sh*t to quote Bruce Dern in Posse. For Obama to do this daily, takes Air Force One, support Air Force transports, limos, SUVS, multiple helicopters and only the finest of food and accommodations. One can tally that Obama is spending 5 million dollars a day for two weeks on absolutely nothing, but a fraud to make him look like he is the "comeback kid" as all was lost and he pulled it out.
It is stomach turning to watch Charlie Rose and these other big shots sit on this story and know what a fraud this all is in manipulating the American Public.

For Obama to spend 2 weeks on this charade would mean 70 million dollars is wasted on nothing but an attempt to make him look like the leader he is not.

Then in this stage show to take place in the beware the ides of March, Obama jets off as the conquering Don Quixote to Asia, where he will spend another 70 million dollars to do nothing but make him look good as he bows his way across the world.
There will be no stops in Chile, no stops in Haiti, no stops for US Soldiers stuck in Kosovo, no stops in Iraq, no stops in Afghanistan (yeah I'm putting this in there to see if the dupe will be baited to having to at least appear in one of his disasters or wars he is shirking or creating), but Obama will be doing more of the same nothingness which he has been the imprint on the nothingness of Obama.

Just more wag the dog sham from Obama, he "fights" wars on 2012 election time table and passes Obamacrypt on an Asian vacation schedule. It is all disgusting in the most obvious manipulation filled with contempt for Americans and the world.

That is about all that needs to be said, except for Ric Ocasek saying it all......


Life's the same I'm moving in stereo
Life's the same except for my shoes
Life's the same you're shakin' like tremolo
Life's the same it's all inside you

It's so easy to blow up your problems
It's so easy to play up your breakdown
It's so easy to fly through a window
It's so easy to fool with the sound