Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pope on a Wire

It is come to the point in the current pedophile stories being leveled at the Catholic religion and Pope Ben that this has become interesting to me, as this is not something which has anything to do with molesting of children, but has everything to do with an assault on Pope Ben specifically and the Catholic religion.

In essence, the group who is behind this series of stories which now is circling the globe in "deaf children" being paraded around and former stated victims showing up in Rome ranting in front of cameras, are literally as great of child molesters as the priests who were doing the the heinous acts.

What needs to be asked is, "Why now? What is the purpose? Why go after Pope Ben?"

These pedophile acts are a year old in the Ireland case which was the focal point in this and decades old in other cases. Why bring this up now again when it was settled and why make in these specific cases Pope Ben the target when he had settled the issue and everyone a decade ago let the matter rest?
Those are the telling questions in this as this rolls onward in building a wave which is designed to degrade the Pope and degrade all Catholics.

This blog alone noted that it was Hillary Clinton showing up in Ireland months ago on her European tour. Charlie Rose recently had on the Irish leader of Northern Ireland. Obama handed out to Dan Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers a choice ambassadorship. There seemed to be a great deal of Ireland in the Obama mix, and just when the American Bishops came out against Obamacare, all of his broke in smearing Catholics in return and in effect the issue silenced the Pope.
As Obama is currently in a pattern of smearing Tea Partiers, went after Veterans, Christians and Patriots in terror watch lists, it all looks like an intelligence operation running now against Catholics and the Pope by Obama and his benefactors to ruin the reputation of the Catholic faithful to end them as a political force in various nations where they are a movement in Ireland and America.

None of that can be an accident, but this has the oracle feel of something much more sinister.

A poll noted that numbers of Republicans believe Barack Obama is the anti christ. This blog has noted that Mr. Obama is none of the sort as the anti christ is to come out of Europe and it will be a revived Roman Empire which comes out of nowhere in power that is this leaders base.

Mr. Obama is a precursor, a wave before the tidal wave to prepare for the event in people's minds. He is the Obama the Baptist preparing the way for the false messiah. Obama will decrease and when the anti christ appears, that creature will increase.

This though attack on the Catholic religion is much deeper and sinister. One does not have to be Catholic or even agree with their dead saint worship or their looking to a Pope and not Christ alone, to feel sympathy for the faithful in the Catholic church as this is a deliberate intelligence operation being run against the Vatican and it is beyond Obama policy. This is a global event and it is setting the stage for something else.
If the Catholic oracles are correct, the next pope will be the false prophet which the Bible speaks of in aiding the anti Christ. This seems to be what this European cartel is up to in the Ashkenaz elite in the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Stories are being planted and run which is a combined syndicated effort to undo Pope Ben, to sully him up so much, that in the upheaval when he passes, that this vicar of satan will stand readily in his place.
This point is immense as the prophecies and oracles all point out that the anti Christ attacks and savages the faithful and the Catholic religion especially after it uses the Vatican to cement his power.

That is why this interests me as where there is smoke there is fire. Pope Ben was not to be Pope that long of period of time as the oracles pointed to. He was not to be John Paul in legacy. He was to appear and then disappear for the end events to come to fruition.
That is sadness, because as stated one does not have to be Catholic to have compassion on an elderly man who put his life into the Vatican and is now being deliberately smeared and ruined, all for a globalist purpose which is taking place behind the scenes.

It is fascinating to note this and seems to indicate that from the manifestations of the demoniacs attacking Pope Ben in his appearances to the noting that the Vatican has devil worship going on, that there is a satanic manifestation against Pope Ben, and that would indicate his time does not appear to be long.
No one knows or has spoken how Pope Ben leaves this world, but the evil which is in the Vatican has been known to resort to assassination as readily as other means to help history move along.

All of this must be part of a leverage in the Bishops to negate and blackmail certain John Paul centers and promote the overt satanic Bishops and Cardinals so that what must take place will take place.
Think of it akin to the Jewish Sanhedrin forming in mass to assassinate Jesus "for the good of the state". I am not stating any harm will come to Pope Ben, but there certainly is political leverage coming from these attacks on the Vatican from the highest levels, and this information being fed to the press is coming from inside the Vatican. This is a palace coup of sorts and is nothing anyone connected with Christ would take part in.
There appears to be a literal spiritual war taking place in the Vatican and everyone says satan wins in the coming leadership of the Vatican.

That of course means the world is in the end times, and not approaching it. This means the anti Christ is about to come to international power. This means America and the west will be supplanted with the help of supplanter Obama, all so the Eurasian chaos can engulf the world.

Greece, Spain and Portugal have all been clipped from power in economic problems. This blog still believes the anti Christ is a mongrel Obama type in origin of Grecian novelty like Antiochos Epiphanes, but the old central European axis is standing alone now in power.

All that is necessary are for the people to arise in a created instant as Barack Hussein Obama was promoted. All the events indicate a preparation is underway in what is being accomplished.

This is getting most interesting as the world is being told to look one way, but another way is being conspired in all of this to bring about a satanic order completely in charge.

We shall see.

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