I really wonder sometimes the ludicrous idiocy which some from the idiotry on the left in Susan Estrich, a professor, who actually teaches minds in California when she comes up with that the Arizona Law which basically requires Police to check with federal immigration on Citizenship status if they stop someone on another offense is in Estrich's terms unConstitutional, because they wouldn't' stop 5 white teenagers.
Estich's idiocy goes on to the point that if this was a speeding stop it was fine to hold the driver, but not the other people in the car as they were not speeding, and only the driver.
I guess that means all the accomplice laws which have 8 Hutatree people in prison are unConstitutional too as only one Hutatree leader was spewing things and the rest were just running around in the woods.
This is where liberals like Estrich are so bias and prejudiced that they show race hatred by singling out whites without a clue of what the reality it.
Want to know what the color of the Mexicans are which by majority being imported to my area is?
The answer is WHITE.
I have written of this in the Mexicans I see, including their provided for mother hens who guide them through the system of America, are all of these white Mexicans now.
What race do most Middle Eastern types belong to? It is the Semitic peoples who are white.
What race do Russians belong to but white.
Where are numbers of these white race illegals coming through now? Mexico is the answer due to bribes to that crooked regime which trafficks humans.
The ludicrous nature of Susan Estrich is that she thinks an Arizona Police Officer is not going to stop and hold a heavy laden car with Chinese in it, who are indeed brown skinned.
Chinese infiltrate from Mexico constantly.
Lawyers can always come up with some idiocy which some other lawyer on the bench will call legal in this war on Americans.
What needs and requires to be done is to put real teeth in this in States need to start recouping their losses in jobs, hospitals, schooling and security by going directly at the Monsanto's and Ford and Pew Foundations who have a record of assisting all of the criminal behavior by advertising for illegals and then providing air transport as was the case to Hawaii.
Arizona needs to start seizing Monsanto assets and swearing out warrants for arrests of the Monsanto heads, who are giving tons of Obama support and money to Democrats running this Mexican slave ring.
As for Susan Estrich, Drudge had a headline featuring botox and Nancy Pelosi that injections actually made the brain dysfunctional.
Baby face Sue has always suffered from Clintonitis, a sever swelling of the genitals for liberals, but with her botox, it is now evident that she at least has an excuse for being an idiot now.
If it is 5 white teenagers in a speeding car, I want them all detained too so their stupid liberal Godless parents can come and pick them up, as I don't want these irresponsible dolts hitting someone else in murdering them or driving up my insurance by causing an accident.
nuff said