When this blog champions the Mexican peon, it does so out of a Christian American revulsion out of numerous groups preying upon a 3rd world class. See it is not that I have a prejudice for Mexicans, as I see them for what they are in criminal survival opportunists who are too cowardly to rise up in Mexico and take their nation back.
They instead are opportunists coming to America and garner all the benefits from a race who did rise up.
That of course might sound harsh to liberals who feed off Mexicans in hiring them to mow their lawns cheaply, hire them to babysit their children cheaply, hire them to gut their hogs and chickens cheaply for their grocery, hire them to cheaply build their vacation homes, and then in investments to Wall Street corporations gain retirement portfolios off of the traffick of humans in the slave trade.
The Chicago commodities markets who backed Obama sold poison genetic engineered crops to American farmers which are making people and pets deathly sick. They then took this money and bribed Congress for "Farm Bills" which are welfare bills for Mexican slave labor, which underwrites corporate and large scale farmers to produce corn, which Mexican farmers numbering 1 million could not compete against, which then drove them to bankruptcy as a free people, which then through advertising from Iowa Beef Processors, Tyson chicken, Cargill and Monsanto brought all these unemployed Mexicans they created into America to kill them off as the Mexicans being preyed on preyed on Americans in being wards of the state, killing off Americans who could not afford the prices of hospital bills, no used cars, no starter homes and no security in Mexicans raping and murdering the Citizens.
There are good people in this and there are evil people in this. Iowa for example runs an entire clearing house for the Midwest in bringing in beaners to work as slave labor on corporate dairies for example, as a first step which the Mexicans upon getting a few dollars then flood into areas like Minneapolis and have destroyed established Minnesota construction jobs as the Mexicans are all working off book cheap.
I know from a Minneapolis construction worker with their crew, who had to work 200 miles from the Twin Cities, just to get employment as the Mexicans now dominate that roofing market there.
This is spreading all across America and it is the most filthy and disgusting of do gooder business joined with the robber barons making billions.
Recently I saw one of the "Christian do gooders" cooing over a Mexican family which her group had "imported" and the Mexicans were busy buying out the thrift store like numbers of them constantly do, putting more pressure on the poor Americans who have nowhere else to go.
I have seen WIC catering to Mexican families in checks handed out to them and cashiers sorting through "bread that is acceptable" as they enter in the government checks Americans are paying for and have no idea what is going on.
That needs repeating in there are "bread manufacturers" who are "acceptable" to WIC welfare, and the bread I saw exchanged was not a local product, but one produced by a national chain.
If you need that explained to you, this is so corrupt apparently that even national manufacturers are part of a money laundering scheme where their bread is only guaranteed on government programs produced by Democrats in a massive kickback system making billions off of these Mexicans.
Yes once again an exclusive of the blog, as no one in the media or punditry has bothered to actually observe the Mexicans and merchants interacting in this silent code. This is how the vast robber baron economy is running in America costing a trillion dollars a year.
I will lay out the culprits who are making money off the Mexican pound of flesh. As I have exclusively noted, this is a matter of the corporate frankenfood industry.
Into this are the major construction franchises, and if one notes, the freelance Mexicans are operating in asphalt because they are purchasing their supplies from the national chains, who just happen to make certain by their donations to politicians to create the illusion that border busters are being arrested.
The fact is in all of these slave labor industries is 90% of the Mexicans are left alone and 10% are offered up to keep the public believing that INF is doing it's job.
That is what is behind the oddity of Sen. Tim Johnson's son, US Attorney Brendon Sippy Cup Johnson was running around arresting some Obama voters called Mexicans. It was making a show and it was culling out those Mexicans outside the loop of the Mexican pound of flesh system.
Into this are two major culprits in this organized religion led by the Catholic group who see all those Mexicans as not parishioners, but as collection plate donations of these poor Mexicans giving their last after all the others take their fillet from them.
The Mexicans are well trained to give all to the Pater. One can read from the 1800's in how the fat Mexican priests gouged their flock in marriage licenses and had the entire communities taking off their hats and bowing to the Padre.
There the Padre sat eating his platters of food as the peons had a corn tortilla and a few hot peppers to exist on.
Whether folks like it or not, there is an entire religious industry involved in these illegals by do gooders filling collection plates.
The last major group of fiends are the unions like SEIU, who are pushing this enslavement of illegals to Obama's debt, because union workers pay dues which pay for Obama politicians who pass slave laws who turn once productive Mexicans into slaves to multi trillion dollar Obama debt.
Do you think that Mexicans are going to be able to retire in America on Social Security? No way Jose, as this cartel fully intends to work these Mexican slaves to death and in a few years they will raise retirement ages to 75 years. That is how NeoProgs balance the massive debts.
They steal from Mexican illegals, give them amnesty so they have to pay off the Obama debt and not flee back to Mexico, and then kill them off in Obama rationed death.
That is why as a moral person I am filled with revulsion over this Mexican issue as no free people can build an free society on the backs of slavery. Just because Mexicans are not black, just because they call it jobs and not slave ships, just because this comes out of Mexico and not Africa, just because the ownership of Mexicans is in Obama's name with his logo instead of in the South with the flag of Dixie, does not mean it is the same system America fought a Civil War over.
The most ludicrous of this is though is the Mexicans are so unaware that they are supporting their own slavery, instead of rising up and taking back Mexico and freeing themselves of the robber baron, Democrat, industry slave holders.
Once again, why is it that only one Conservative blog is exposing all of this and the only Democrat who brought this up was Maria Shriver speaking of "human traffick" over 2 years ago.
Hollywood is in on this propaganda in always depicting the poor Mexican as the victim, white people the evil in the world, and not one mention of the portfolios making a fortune off of all of these Mexicans who honestly need protecting from themselves.
This is the story of the Mexican pound of flesh. This blog has laid out an alternative in Americanizing the northern Mexican states in investment, schools, hospitals and sound religious upbringing, all to create economic zones to transform Mexico from the slave labor exporter run by Obama white skinned patricians, and a Mexico for Mexicans of all colors.
Biggest story in the world which this blog should be awarded the Pulitzer and Nobel twice over, and all there is, is a march by Obama DC making war on American states as Mexicans follow the religious unions to their own plantation called America.
There are no field lines in this under Massa Obama. America is nothing but a slave plantation now.
The Constitution prohibits all of this and this is now an New World Order industry in replacing Americans who can not be controlled with Mexicans who can be exterminated by the state like sheep.
agtG 283
Mexican on the mesquite barbie