Sunday, April 18, 2010

America needs an Intervention, Obama requires One

I sincerely as someone who loves America, loves the British, the French, the Jews and all of the Citizens of Republics from Japan to Chile, demand that Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Dr. Phil McGraw camp out in front of the White House to put pressure on Barack Hussein Obama for a public intervention of his "wife beater policies" which are out of control.

Only by these mass viewed counsellors, can a psychiatric undertaking be initiated for the psychopathy which Barack Hussein Obama has been carrying out and treatment can be then accomplished.

This blog alone analyzed Mr. Obama as a wife beater in mentality. David Remnick in his new book, An Obama too Far, states that Mr. Obama drives to win at all costs.
This is based upon Mr. Obama being abandoned by both parents and his incessant phobic need to validate hisself only by winning at any cost.

The costs of this have brought ruin to all who stand in Mr. Obama's way. His Republican challenger for the Senate seat in Illinois had his personal legal files stolen and David Axelrod for Mr. Obama leaked them illegally to the press ruining an innocent American and his family.
Rod Blagojevich and his loving family have been ruined for doing the exact thing Barack Obama has carried out numerous times in selling seats for political appointments. The only difference is Mr. Obama controls Eric Holder and Holder protects Obama, and prosecutes Mr. Blagojevich.

Hillary Clinton and her supporters were beaten verbally. Sarah Palin has been the subject of repeated political rape by the Obama gang.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, all part of the wife beater mentality of Obama.

There is John Edwards and his family bashed about by Mr. Obama in Mr. Edwards is a competitor to Mr. Obama in 2012 as Mr. Obama falls.

Blacks have been booted off the Obama bus. Hispanics got Senora Sotomayor and told to silencio until Mr. Obama makes them slaves to his debt. Gays, Mr. Obama has said can die in the military, but are not serviceable for Obama marriage.
Every single Obama backer has been beaten by Obama on his whimsy of the time.

On the international stage, one has seen Mr. Obama whipping on the Slavic peoples. The Polish government is assassinated and Mr. Obama will not even send investigators to find the facts.
The Catholic Bishops stand against Obama aborticide and the Pope gets dragged through the pedophile mud.
The Jews dare want to pray and live in their own nation, and Obama puts their leader into a panel wagon, and tells Jews to wait around for a nuclear holocaust.
The Dali Lama gets taken out with the trash.
Gordon Brown is humiliated. Nic Sarkozy is betrayed. The Canadians have fingers pointed in their faces on an international stage.

All the while, Bowbama is Salahi fundraising, bowing to Muslim kings, Chicom despots and Japanese emperors.

Mr. Obama's latest assault has been upon the Georgian People in snubbing their President, Mr. Saakashvilli, at the nuclear summit, which is most lethal as Putin's Russia already invaded Georgia, wants President Saakashvilli gone permanently in the way the Polish Government just was assassinated in.
This is most dangerous as Mr. Obama's spokesman, Richard Holbrooke, stated in 2008 that Georgians ARE AMERICANS, which means if Russia kills one Georgian or invades that nation again, America will be facing nuclear war with Russia.
This blog warned of this exclusively in 2008, and now the stomach has turned to more Obama nuclear vomit being spread upon Americans. This is a most dangerous wife beater in slapping around Georgia with Vladamir Putin enjoying the assault.

This is all after once again the Georgians have been the staunchest of allies in the Obama Cold Sore Wars.

What is this about America is Mr. Obama is a wife beater. He is a 10 year old boy, abandoned by his parents, and he seeks to hurt people close to him, before they can hurt him.
Mr. Obama tortured his mother while she was dying of cancer in leaving her alone. He went out of his way to lash his dad in Barack sr. for leaving the Dunham family, in scars Mr. Obama still has festering, but Mr. Obama can not see the smiling, popular guy in the millionaire suit, is the same guy who goes home and behind closed doors, whips his children, beats his wife, slaps around his relatives and threatens them as the press, "Come on guys that is enough".

Barack Hussein Obama has not done one thing to help his family in Africa nor his adoptive father's relatives, the Soetoro's in Indonesia.
He has a severe wife beater psychopathy which is playing out in nuclear lethal ways in which Mr. Obama can not help hisself in beating on those who put their trust in him, while having a beer with the pimps and prostitutes standing on the corner shooting at his neighbors.

There must be a national call for an intervention for Barack Hussein Obama. The evidence above is without a doubt the psychological proof that Mr. Obama desperately requires an intervention and psychological treatment.
His goon squad of Jarrett, Emmanuel, Axelrod, Stephenopoulos etc... are all enabling him, and making this all a rationed death roulette which the world can ill afford in a nuclear age.

The reality is Mr. Obama does not view himself as worth loving. His being abandoned severely scarred him. He is sociopathic and I do not use that term lightly, because Mr. Obama is. He will destroy anyone and anything in his way. His is a world of absolutes in he is the only human who can feel and the rest of humanity, including his children only become human, when he can relate to them on levels of his own personal hurts as a 10 year old.

The stakes in this are too high for a chorus to not beat this to a psychiatric and Christian counselling to at least make a national understanding about Mr. Obama, so Congress, the Courts, Law Enforcement and the Military can weigh and check the mandates Mr. Obama is dictating.
I will inform everyone in there is no cure for Mr. Obama. His psyche is fused at age 10. He is socially retarded and is incapable of growing empathy, even if all he does is speak of empathy. Mr. Obama's empathy though is for himself and he crowds in the masses in order to get his "fix" in enacting policy to bring adoration which he can feed off of.

Barack Hussein Obama is a sociopath. This needs understanding, and in that, America can then check all Obama policy with sane judgments so all are not led off into the abyss.
Whether it is then court hearings on competency, birth nativity, enacting the 25th Amendment or waiting for November 2012 to remove this troubled mind, that is for the Americans to decide, once they have the full understanding of the sociopath they have put into the White House.

agtG 304

Obama wife beats President Saakashvilli