Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baseball, derricks, Obama pie and Bill Graham

I wonder at this moment if David Axelrod is stoned, Rahm Emmanuel is on a heroin trip and Obama's mind on drugs is fried.

I state this as we see Obama is in massive trouble in the polls, Democrats can not stand this destroyer of their ivory tower and Obama's answer is to finally haul in the New York Yankees for a photo op after the World Series almost a year ago, with a tossed salad of 91 year old Billy Graham praying over the blasphemer who just had the Pentagon boot his son, Franklin Graham, from a prayer conference, all from the Muslim mafia.

Into this Obama has now initiated a race war for 2010 of pitting Hispanics he will make slaves of and blacks he kicked off the bus, against white people

Then we have the Obama security thugs in Naps Napolitano trying to dictate to Arizona how they protect themselves from Obama border buster policy. Another Obamaling just told a joke about Jews being Merchant of Venice types.
You just have to love the Obama policy toward Jews.........if you are a National Socialist

The most interesting in this was a kid from Ohio, who volunteered to assist his local police department, as in this was a Ohio Citizen trusted by the Ohio police, who was arrested at the airport Obama just left from, after his "another vacation".
The kid, Joseph McVey, was arrested on some misdemeanor terrorist charge, which makes you wonder why it is called terrorism when it is like smoking in public
McVey though had a gun and police equipment, which is exactly what a kid would have serving his local community. In addition, he had a range finder the puppy press related for "scope drop" but the kid had no rifle which is what they were getting at in charging him with "trying to harm Obama". The plausible explanation follows in he also had video equipment as HE CHASED STORMS, and if you want to find out the range on a storm so it doesn't blow you off the road, you might have some sort of range finding tool.
So Obama takes to the wood with Mrs. Ed, like the new Daniel Boone, but we find out he has to call in the posse to arrest American kids who do not seem to be in the least a threat to anyone, just like the Hutatree group or Franklin Graham getting booted from the Pentagon.

.Then there are record numbers of Americans renouncing their Citizenship as Obama is taxing them out of existence. Over 5 million Americans are overseas, so par for the Obama course, he has just wiped out 5 million voters in Geithner refusing to budge in naming these folks "terrorists" under the Patriot Act, because they have Americana bank accounts and live overseas.
Being American is a crime under Obama.

Never to fear though unless you are an American, the SEC Inspector General is opening an investigation over Obama bashing another Jewish named firm in Goldman Sachs to push his take over of American finance.
It is to the point that you expect Obama to just open season on Jews, Catholics, Christians, Patriots, Whites and Tea Partiers with some type of bounty and tax to turn it all into a profit.

It is getting so bad that Nebraskan nation rapist Warren Buffett is claiming pauper status (say is not Buffett the guy who owns 5 billion in Goldman Sachs and if Goldman tanks, Buffett will pick a trillion dollar company up for pennies?) in wanting new "curbs on derivatives from Democrats.
Translated that means Buffett wants Democrats to bugger the pot so he can steal things easier than his competition. It is always so much simpler in backing Obama and then having him pass laws making your crimes legal while your competitors get SEC fines.

So Warren Buffett gets to keep his billions and the American investor gets more stolen from them.

It just makes you wonder in this how Obama hauling in the Yankees had more to do with David Letterman pedophile rape jokes and Obama wanted some pointers in how to do it, as his derrick in the Gulf is leaking a bit while being on fire, laying down a massive slick, which tastes like Obama cherry pie in the jungles of Carolina as he and Mrs. Ed ride through the woods.

Honestly, I would have liked to have had Billy Graham grab Obama by the ear and tell the blasphemer, "Mr. Obama you better start repenting as satan is the father of lies, and you are his halo headed, messiah talkin', God's America hating, Bearick who has still not produced any documentation you belong at the head of God's people, you Saulite."
Franklin probably would have done it if fired up. It is too bad Billy Graham was just used as another photo op as Obama tries to look American, while he massacres and mauls all Americans.

Hail Barry full of it, blessed be the fruity of her womb, fornicator Mama Dunham.

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