Monday, April 26, 2010

The Guilty and the Gullible

It is amazing sometimes when you put images together in the revulsion to the spirit some combinations bring. For instance the photo of Abraham Lincoln in judgment seat at his Memorial with the Obama logo hanging over his head like a sun, just pales soul in screaming out that something in American Secularism is vomit wrong with this.

Yet Americans have had Obama elevated to halo head status and the ignorant plod along without anything of the sacrilege and blasphemy Obama is to America.

I was listening to a recent Sean Hannity segment in the Person on the Street. Mr. Hannity's assistant in New York was having an Obama of a time getting those brave clueless Obama voters to even go on mic with him.
That alone states for all their vacuous understanding that even they are scared of coming to face the Truth.

What Mr. Hannity found out without commenting a world is that Obama voters are guilty and gullible. They are absolutely not informed about a thing concerning Obama. They are clueless about freedom, want to be punished and in their orbs they all know welfare government cheats who are stealing from the system, as that was the odd message they brought, in they had their insurance at at the fire department and they had it at being head waiter, but there were always others scamming the system.
They were willing to have the government steal 60% of their wages for these National Socialist (NAZI) programs, but 70% was too much in the response.
They thought medical and dental care was ok to mandate, but the government should not providing housing. So people could be homeless, but have good teeth and freeze to death healthy.

See even liberal incompetents working through their various masochisms and misogony have their limits and are at the point of their reaching their Obama limits. They are still grinning thinking they got the world, but when Obama bites another 10% off their lives, which he just did as they do not comprehend that Obamacare will steal more than 70% of their wages, they too will then look around and note that life is not so good working for benefits.

The psychology of these folks is they are masochists or people who want a sadist, someone to punish them for their good lives God gave them. They though spend their lives running from God and looking to some government program which will not judge them, but make them feel good in the absolution of taxes they are bled of.

That requires repeating as an exclusive to his blog in taxes to liberals are in their hearts an absolution of the guilt they have in being the predatory liberals they are. Taxes are what make up for getting the 13 year old girl drunk in high school and raping her when she is passed out. Taxes are the forgiveness for mocking some Special Olympics child. Taxes are the Hail Mary full of Grace for sticking your parent in the old folks home, hoping they die.

Want to know why sadist Obama spends trillions in mania, has not met a dictator he will not bow to, is looking to abort everyone in the United States? It is all that little angry abandoned 10 year old 3rd world boy looking to punish the world, and Obama spending other people's money and destroying America is his absolution for his revenge on his cancer stricken mother when he abandoned her.
Obama is guilty of crimes against Mama and preys on other guilt ridden dolts who did worse things and being so gullible these folks are looking to be punished, and Obama does it with taxes.

None of this has to do with taxes, but has to do with their god of dollars being the license to comfort them every month in sacrifice, so they can look in the mirror and think what great people they are as they spit in a bad tippers food for revenge or let some rich guy die as he deserves it instead of calling for an EMT.

Who is it that just murdered someone in the South? It was a black Obama voter stabbing and beating to death a white supremacist. It was not the other way around.
Who has the rage to use a knife and then the fury to beat the life out of someone? Why the Obama voter. Apparently black people being so dumped off the boss by Obama can not pay enough in taxes to soothe the savage beast in their hearts, so the next best thing is the Southern Poverty Law Center to ignore the violence they just unleashed with Obama on this white supremacist, as the SPLC and Obama with the puppy press are accomplices to this murder for the hysteria they have been whoopin' it up in the Goldberg press, ain't that The View.

Obama poor folks on welfare are guilt ridden and can not pay their Obama absolution in high taxes, so they turn to violence. Obama voters who are working seek out to pay high taxes to soothe the guilt in them while enable welfare cheats scamming the system in their social networks.

It is the Obama soap opera being acted out in schizophrenia across America in one Obama lashing it out and feeding off another Obamaling enjoying the beating.

One hopes sometime that someone will stand up in the Charlie Rose press and scream, ENOUGH, because this is not healthy in the least and with the murder in Mississippi, Barack Hussein Obama and his orb are guilty as accomplices to a homicide.
It doesn't matter how foul people are. There are courts to try them when they break the law. This is not butcher bad people law or pay high taxes to murder who you choose, even if the Southern Poverty Law Center has been initiating such policies for Mr. Obama now for months.

The ends or taxes do not justify the murderous means.

Obama Tax and Injustice