Monday, April 26, 2010

Shanghai Obama

There is not such a thing as a failed intelligence operation.

While searching through some photos of Barack Obama smirking, I came across something which I found most interesting as it was a Chinese version of the Salahi event which this blog alone exposed in the hand sex content.

In touching on this, without the pun, as coincidences do not happen in life, the public should be made aware that intelligence operations are run constantly on government officials by other governments. The classic is the honeypot where some miserable Russian woman, acting all vulnerable and pouty, gets close to someone from the west, and gets her bones jumped and in various ways the dolt ends up turning over information in pillow talk or outright blackmail.

That is what caught me attention in the lovely Wang Zifei of Shanghai, China, in if you notice her grasp of Obama, she is holding his hand with the two of her hands in a power grip, in the exact same come on which Mrs. Salahi was engaged with Obama in that fiasco of exposing Obama horniness in public.

In simple checking on Wang Zifei, she apparently is the Lady in Red, and shunned internet attention when she was exposed in her honeypot game. 1.1 billion Chinese, the ones on top get dressed up in pretty Peking girl costumes and the non communists get to assemble Microsoft parts to carpal tunnel syndrome crippling agony.
Lay the odds on this poker game and by the way this woman took control of Obama, has her head up, is dominating Zero as he bows to her, and one is observing a PLA honeypot of the most interesting class. This is the prime cut being rolled out for Obama as she has intimate knowledge of the profile in how to seduce the powerful male.
Chinese women do not come by this natural, especially at her age.

If you really missed the interesting part in this, is the photo appears untouched in Obama is blushing in a mottled Scarlet Fever color. Let it be known that David Remnick said Obama learned to be black from reading a black book. Black people do not blush as it is not in their melanin ability to do this. So let it be known that Obama blushing is not a black man, but tan to the surface, but at the surface he is flaming white.

In this, the PLA along with every other intelligence group has noted the "Obama type" to implicate a reaction from him. This blog noted that Obama likes grabbing Latino women in uniform, literally pounced on Carla Sarkozy and then there was that blonde socialite in New York who dumped him, not to mention his fondness for Donald Young and Reggie Love black gay types, the affection he has for Lawrence Sinclair, Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams in the pure white type. Then again there was Mrs. Salahi who apparently was every old pervert liberal's type from Biden to Katie Couric.
All this data factors in, in an old KGB type cast, in it is information to gage and place more goodies before Obama on trips overseas or in observation as he returns to America, just who starts popping up around him.
See, seeds of adultery are planted offshore and they do indeed sprout in the fertile fields of Obama's mind.

Obama was hooked in Shanghai, in the photo is evidence in the operation worked immensely well. The PLA and FSB has learned, and now every protocol analyst in the world knows the Obama type by his response. From the above photo, profiling can relate if Obama leaves the lights on during sex, if Obama is a fighter or what Obama is prone to in any situation.
Click one trip wire and Obama plays a symphony of hidden psychological facets.

Makes one contemplate what short and curlies Hilllary Clinton has placed on her platter as she jets around the world.

But as this is about Obama, it is noted that Obama was Shanghaied, a term for those unfamiliar is some poor teleprompter reader in some port was given an intoxicating liquor by friendly folks, namely women, and once the drug took effect they dumped him through the floor onto a boat, rowed him out to a ship and by morning, he and a dozen other dolts were a hundred miles into the ocean bound for Shanghai, China serving a year of hard labor of slave wages.

Would you like one lump or two Mr. Bowbama with your tea......or is the Pretty Peking girl sugar enough for this trip?

agtG 231

Obama's Lady in Red

Obama's Red Blush