Monday, April 12, 2010

Ministry of Obamaganda

It needs to be official that everything coming out of Obama Inc. now is so full of lies, deception, assaults upon Americans liberties and absolute criminality, both foreign and domestic, that an entire new definition needs to be formed as what Obama does is not just propaganda, it is Obamaganda in it eclipses Hitler, Stalin and Frank Rich in making their rants look tame.

Take for example thee assassination of the Polish Government by the Eurasians, in Mr. Obama acts like the Poles just aborted another baby funded by Obama. There is not a massive effort by the United States government directed by Mr. Obama to help the Poles find the culprits behind this mass murder in not NTSB, no American Air Force out of Germany or Poland and not FBI assisted investigations.
There is only silent Obama acting like the Poles are like Chileans after their earthquake, while Obama sends in the entire invasion squad to Haiti.

Things just do not add up for the dithering Obama.

I would like to visit the fringe here. The Robert Vesco, the Marc Rich side of life. There is an author named John Perkins who tells stories about the criminal rapine he undertook in economically raping trillions of dollars from nations around the world.
Whether Mr. Perkins is real or a fabrication for fringe radio, does not matter, due to the fact his stories all point to the realities of Benjamin Netanyahu taken out of office by Bill Clinton and the same scam is being tried again by Barack Hussein Obama in treating the Jews horridly as the Afghanistan President and people.
One does not have to look back to John Kennedy in murdering Vietnamese leaders, as John Perkins noted that two South American leaders who would not get on the international money bandwagon were murdered in fiery plane crashes too.

They were President of Ecuador and President Omar Torrijos of Panama. Both of these elected leaders were bucking the system of the internationalists and were assassinated by plane crashes.

One only has to recall a certain Oklahoma elected official a few years back who was investigating William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, and the dozen propeller bolts on his aircraft somehow came loose all at once and almost assassinated this Clinton antagonist.

Obama shows up in Russia to sign a nuclear disarmament which has the Russians gaga over dominating America, and the Poles all end up dead, again just like when the Soviets slaughtered 20,000 of their leadership.
Mr. Obama remains silent, offering no help to Poland, allowing the Russians to smear the Polish Pilots and Polish President as idiots, and allowing Russia time to do whatever in editing the "black boxes" of the crash in releasing what they say is on them.
Obama then sets up a nuclear summit where Islamic Turkey and Islamic Egypt are going to produce Krystallnacht II in hammering the Jews again this time on nuclear arms.

There is a great deal of character assassination and literal assassination of the leaders of nations, and all of it has the common denominators of Obama, Medvedev and the Rothschild central European cartel.

Calls from all sectors of America have been made to assist Poland, and Obama with his puppy press have remained silent as Russia is allowed to spin the slander of the Poles who have just been slaughtered.

In the event that your education might have missed history, what has just happened in Poland happened just before World War II started in Hitler and Stalin divided up Poland and robbed and raped her, as FDR sat socialist silent.
Replace Stalin with Medvedev, Obama as silent FDR, and the Germans licking their empire chops again at seeing succulent Poland now in play from "some plane crash" and what happened to Yugoslavia in the Bill Clinton era is once again in play for World War III or IV.

Obamaganda is what this is all about. It is a new term fitting the abyss which Obama is plunging the world into. The dividing up of eastern Europe for the Obama peace in his time.

Last time it bred world war and this time it will too.

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