It seems the Obama Special Forces in Afghanistan were carving human steaks not long ago and apparently lying flat a**ed to McChrystal in having shot some women they were not supposed to at a party.
This is now an embarrassment to America, the Afghanistan leaders are furious about it and it makes more Taliban and al Qaeda recruitment, all because of the stupid "don't shoot but get shot" policy of Obama warfare.
In simply analysis of the situation I will exclusively report what happened.
There was another trusted al Qaeda Muslim operative feeding certain information to the DOD who then served it up to the Special Forces, who then went sniper with Afghanistan Special Ops and the end result was as much a set up as the CIA's suicide bomber of last year confirming everyone from bin Laden's pencil box was on fire in successful raids, when all that was happening was US forces were blowing up empty rooms or locals caught in the crossfire.
This all so needs to be addressed as Obama policy is causing this as much as the snoopy Pat Tillman family could not let fragged heroes just stay buried.
In life, there are a**holes of the extreme. There are sh*theads in the enemy camps who feed bogus intelligence to America with the intent of ruining American policy.
The world is an uncivilized place and bad things happen.
The US military in Christian morals attempts to not rape, loot, torture in real torture nor murder the locals. Warfare is a fluid event where lines are often crossed.
A hidden story on Tim McVeigh in Gulf War I had Mr. McVeigh using a sort of RPG to blow the head off an Iraqi soldier at quite a distance. That was quite not to be done, but quite amusing and quite a feat for the breathing executed dead guy of Oklahoma City.
In that, fragging of soldiers by Soldiers in units is old as time itself. In Vietnam, it got out of doped up hands due to the fact that malcontents were just fragging people because they were lazy sods.
As I noted in 1866 journals, are rather unsavory officer who was cheating his men and putting them into prison when they complained was shot by one of his Soldiers by "accident", was deemed for the benefit of the military, and nothing was done about it.
That was the apparent solution of Pat Tillman and enough other dead heroes who are better left that way as everyone wins in families do not have to know what a jerk their loved one was, and good Soldiers can go on protecting America.
It is how things are evened out.
The same is true in civilians getting dead in war. America does not seek out to slaughter civilians and that is a stated policy, but it is war, and mistakes are going to be made.
When it happens, the Lt. needs to comprehend a mistake was made and to not have it happen again. It needs to be reported to the officer in command, where IT STOPS with no more said about it.
It does not go up the chain of command to end up in Obama Washington being screamed about, so al Qaeda gets stoked up and starts chopping off Soldier's heads.
In that, then Soldiers do not have to be carving up dead bodies, digging bullets out trying to CYA for political Eric Holder prosecution reasons.
Sh*t happens in war and as long as it does not become a too often event, the events then stay where they are in theater.
There needs to be an understanding in this that the Lt. keeps his troops in line, and the Capt. keeps his Lt. in line, in events not happening that should not be happening too often.
The Birds then know all is well, and the Generals never have to hear about things which they get asked about by Obama, because the BBC is reporting the chit from Marxist sources in theater.
That is the way one conducts theater warfare, and all goes well for the most part. Bush and Bush fought 5 wars, Panama, Somalia, Iraq I and Iraq II, with Afghanistan, and there were not incidents of frequency of rape, theft or murder. The US military did very well, compared to the pressure put on Soldiers in Vietnam where retributions did take place when the Soldiers were put into non win situations.
Americans now though are being put into places were they can not fight back, and the Special Ops are being fed false intel, so that cover ups are being conducted as US forces are afraid they are going to be nailed by Eric Holder for doing their jobs.
This degrades the purpose of the military and starts creating these political incidents. This should be handled as it was handled previously in the Afghanistan government needs to know to shut it's mouth, that the US will buy bread machines or pay out some kind of cost payment for people getting dead in operations who either are fringe or innocent.
Then all of this just disappears and if the foreign press starts raising hell, let the foreign press not have any security coverage where they can deal with terrorists first hand, as Soldiers have no business protecting reporters who are causing problems for America.
All of this is simply done and has been handled by commanders for quite some time.
I found a report long ago, I believe it was Gen. Miles from Wounded Knee when the Sioux under Big Foot illegally went off the reservation and everyone was terrified a massacre of Americans was about to happen again with that crazy Ghost Dance.
(IR/ Ghost Dance was a prophetic lie in which Indians were told all the white people were going to be gone, and by miracle the buffalo would all return and things would like be the old times.
This caused a hysteria among the savage tribes and an outbreak occurred.)
This is what was the basis of Wounded Knee in a terrified group of kids in the 7th Cavalry remembering what happened to Custer and his command, ran into the Big Foot band. Things got out of hand on both sides and in the end piles of Indians were dead.
Gen. Miles related on young trooper followed a squaw into the bushes and literally murdered her as the kid was out of his head in battle terror.
Miles simply noted it. The kid was out of his head in knowing he did wrong, and Miles told him he was a good boy and knew that he did not mean to do this.
The kid settled down and was never heard from again as it was settled.
In Obama press though this kid would have been ruined like the press has done to so many Abu Gharib troops which does no one any good. It creates criminals of people out of control for a moment and it creates a murderous mess of terror backlash.
Commanders must settle this in the field in judging their troops exactly to the situation. When someone makes two mistakes, it is simple in flushing them out of the military with a flag on their record which Blackwater knows damn well not to hire a loose cannon to cause more problems as much as the civilian police recognize that mark too.
This is the way things were run very effectively for hundreds of years in things were ignored in public and monitored in the ranks.
Capt. Benteen, Maj. Reno and the people who were involved in the murder of the Custer command did not get away with it. The officers did not make it public, but bided their time and when the opportunity arose, the people were drummed out of service and retaliated against in the federal government.
Over 100 years later though the families are still whining in getting things "revamped" on records, but the fact is the military handled heinous acts within the ranks in their time. That corp group must be what is utilized to handle things now, so Soldiers are not digging around in dead bodies for bullets to CYA.
That act alone proves that Barack Hussein Obama has let down the United States military, because the military is protecting itself against Barack Hussein Obama.
Ponder it.