What needs definition though in CFP and Mr. Hannity, is that this "new crash the Tea Party" organ of Obama sexstacy is not what this blog was speaking of, but in effect is a wonderful blessing in disguise.
What CTTP is about is noting they have infiltrated the Tea Party, sat in on meetings, SPIED on Americans, and are now going out in mass to use misspelled signs (Jon Meachem on Charlie Rose actually quoted the Tea Party signs in that interview speaking of Obama communism, so this group has now been outed to discussing on how to use the signs against Americans.) and to get on television and rant extreme diatribes in order to taint the Tea Party.
This has a genesis in the DailyKos group who already in April 2009 were speaking about crashing the Tea Party to destroy them in the same way they disrupted both Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton's campaigns in 2008 to elect this fraud Barack Hussein Obama.
As Obama has the blow fly eyes, this egg of his group then is the maggot in the ointment which in now being outed leads directly into what this blog has been exposing exclusively in the John Lewis Gauntlet N Word Run with Back Door Barney Frank, with no evidence of anything being said, but ABC lying and saying it was, apparently can find gism in this CTTP group who have been infiltrating and acting out for Obama in racist, queer diatribes and other malevolent ways.
This maggot of Obama spawn though is now a blessing as the Tea Partiers have behaved wonderfully for almost 2 years now, but the trouble can be linked directly to Obamites.
What this all means now is this, in when Obama in his major federal police operation which is going to happen in Hutatree II to smear Sarah Palin and ruin the Tea Party, is going to have to deal with the facts that it is Obama's own Marxist provocateurs who are yelling "n*gger" and are bashing gays, and conducting outright war on America and Americans.
Was Hutatree a Christian Militia or were besides the FBI provocateurs an Anderson Cooper Tea Bagger whispering all of this to arrests?
See all of this multi million dollar Obama police state planning in violence against Americans on the right, in smearing them, has now to contend with the anarchists of the Obama left who are the source of the vile things which Jon Meachem, ABC News and Obama has been conditioning America to.
The idiot Obamaniacs are busy being criminals just like in attacking Lawrence Sinclair, and now when Obama springs his trap this IS the Hutatree Conspiracy exactly as this blog outed it all as in God's Inspiration.
The federal police had the idea to do this for Obama, and now the Obamalings are busy doing the same tactics for Obama, but now have been caught in their own maggot waste in creating this filth.
There will now be forever the question when Obama Inc. springs it's trap was this the Tea Party or Obama Dirty Tricks at work, which it exactly is.
Pretending to be someone, some movement, infiltrating it to slander it, is all illegal, as illegal as Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter in their being Obama voters.
The vital point is now though with Obama BATF fraud at Hutatree in their being charged about things which are not in evidence, is now about to taint the biggest Obama anti American operation in history in the smearing of the Tea Party by federal agents provocateurs.
Just like Rahm Emmanuel could not just leave the victory over the GOP alone and went in to stick them in the back, the Obamites have now bloodied themselves completely and exposed Obama Inc. for the ghouls they are.
Caught by their own web. Let this be noted for when the GOP takes control and these folks on Obama's margin of errors receive warrants for arrests in Crimes Against Americans.