Sunday, April 25, 2010

Obama's Cold Sore Wars: The Dead Americans

It is most interesting in Barack Hussein Obama has managed a most interesting thing in his Nobel Prize winning ways, in after George W. Bush won the war in Iraq in Mr. Bush's surge, Mr. Obama in what has become a retreat has accomplished the murder of 149 Americans and 1 British Soldier in dithering 2009 peace, and by remarkable greater feats in 2010 with no war occurring, Obama has somehow managed to with only a few months, has murdered 23 Americans.

Now this blog realizes that as Ted Koppel is not clacking his abacus tallying up dead Soldiers at ABC nightly that no one has heard of these records of American dead in peace, but the fact is under Mr. Obama the 3 biggest kill zones for Americans in Obama Cold Sore wars are Afghanistan, Iraq and Ft. Hood in Texas.
Almost 500 dead Americans in those three fronts and not one word in the media about these American Heroes.

When one factors in the 300 possible dead of the condom bomber, Obama could have been averaging almost 3 corpses a day. That is almost as much golf as he plays and almost as many vacations as he has had in year.

In doing the population math, Ohio has 264 village under 1000 residents. If one does the 50 state multiplication, that would average almost 12,000 town in America around 500 to 1000 people.
In essence in one year's time, of the Obama Wars, Obama has wiped out 12,000 sized towns in America. Everyone reading this no matter the place knows of a hamlet like this, and if you ponder that in your mind, Obama has literally wiped out every resident in that town, and it has been done all for nothing.
George W. Bush had Iraq victorious. George W. Bush had Afghnistan stabilized, and, in one year Barack Hussein Obama has over 500 dead Americans in retreat and for ballot boxes.

I don't even think that Obama voters voted to trade American lives for sheets of paper and white flags of surrender.

I often enough quote the line from Tombstone, uttered by Val Kilmer, playing Doc Holiday, because it is a summation for every Obama despot from Cain murdering Abel to Mummer Ahmadinejad murdering the Iranian nation.
The conversation is about just what makes evil people evil. Wyatt Earp is searching for answers in the hopelessness as he and his Marshals are being hunted down.
Doc simply replies the reason people act out is the emptiness inside. It is not greed, but it is desperately searching for another trillion to spend, another treaty to sign, another person to bow to in order to gain acceptance of themselves which they can not accept and one more law to pass to control people they are afraid of as they in obsession need some control as they are out of control inside.

Iraq is in full fledged Obama meltdown. The wonks now are hinting that American Soldiers will be permanently stationed in the northern oil Kurdish region to keep the oil safe and flowing. If only folks had been a bit more patient in allowing the Bush surge to cement a successful Iraqi peace with American leadership, Iraq would in another 2 years be a stable nation, not at war with their neighbors and a bulwark against the Persian communists.
Now, Obama has the process of a literal divided Iraq. The Green Zone super bunker, the Kurds and the Suni and Shia factions stuck in the crossfire of another communist war sponsored out of Moscow.

Afghanistan is the worst of the festering sores in all it has become under Obama. Currently the Pakistani regime is rounding up Taliban and al Qaeda operatives, which they could have accomplished years ago. The only reason they are doing it now is when Obama will divide up the spoils in the region, yes that is what Obama is up to, the Pakistani thugs want a seat at the table for their ruling share of dope, contraband, slaves, weapons and counterfeit funds.

Is this what Obama voters voted for?

Richard Holbrooke has been busy with John Kerry scurrying around in Afghanistan doing nothing but spreading chaos. The Obama military brass complains the CIA is inept and that teh Karzai government is corrupt.
The problem is as Obama waded into his Afnamistan and lectured at Karzai that the President of Afghanistan told Obama off and challenged all the Obamalings to back up their charges.
If Karzai is so corrupt he states, then put up or shut up.

Obama's folks have not provided one shred of proof to back up their words of coup against President Karzai, no evidence, so it appears once again just like with Jews in the Israeli state, it is Obama lying about Middle Eastern folks trying to topple their elected governments for a Marxist of his own choosing.

What this amounts to is Obama is going to slaughter more piles of Americans this coming summer of Obama War. He will then declare victory for the elections and the puppy press will hail Obama as warlord as everything has melted down in another area of the world.

In case everyone has missed this, this blog will exclusively report in the question, "Have you not noticed that Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed the Bush alliance in fighting terrorism?"
Come on people, have you not noticed that everyone is pulling their troops out of every situation Obama has them in, and they are all going home, while Obama poors in more troops to fill the gaps?

Kuwait is going through a massive shutdown. Those Soldiers in Iraq and Kuwait are not coming home. Sure there are token National Guard units filtering in, but all of those Soldiers Obama said he would be bringing home, are just being redeployed to supply Obama's other wars.

Barack Hussein Obama has shattered the Bush alliance, Barack Hussein Obama has shattered stabilized nations, Barack Hussein Obama has piles of dead people, and no one seems to notice any of this enough to look at the numbers, because the Obama puppy press never makes mention of the horrific costs Obama is inflicting.

What American policy under Obama is now is simple. It is Obama is right and the problem with other tan skinned peoples is they are wrong, they are the problem, and if they can not be dictated to, they will be left to die in the Obama quagmire.

The fact is Sheik bin Laden is winning the terror war, because Obama is slaughtering more Americans than al Qaeda, obliterating the Bush alliances and making enemies of the very peoples which George W. Bush had as friends for America.

Obama was smugly stating that Americans should be thanking him for all he has done. Frankly, the only folks who are thankful for Obama are terrorists as he is their most accomplished leader.

All of eastern Europe is leery of Obama. Africa has seen in Darfor that Obama likes the status quo of genocide. China is furious over Obama not showing them the respect he has groomed them to believe they deserve. Western Europe pays no attention to Obama. South and Latin America are either ignoring Obama or mocking him. The Muslim and Jewish state are setting their own course away from Obama. Russia is openly finishing nuclear facilities for Iran.
Indonesia had riots not wanting adopted son Obama on their soil. India is now firmly back in the Russian military orb. Japan is listing in geriatrics toward a coming Shogun.

Where is in any of this a respected America which Obama and Emmanuel keep chirping about? Obama has ruined the respect the cowboys had earned around the world.

America is now a sullied people who are in bed with terrorists, terror regimes and thugs. There is no Reagan higher moral authority to rally behind. All there is, is Obama, creating piles of American dead and expecting Americans to thank him for destroying what was America.
