Friday, April 9, 2010

This is Obama's Brain on Moderate Drugs

I have a warning from the mind of historian Douglas Brinkley on the Charlie Rose which everyone seemed to have missed.

I will paraphrase the quote from Brinkley who was a Reagan historian:

"Barack Obama has been centrist, but will after the 2010 elections move left".

I honestly desire that statement to soak into Americans, because this is a Barack Obama whose economic policies have scared the communist Maoist Chinese so much in being even more radical left than they are in they have abandoned buying Obama debt and have been lecturing Obama on his economic bubbles.

Ponder that long and hard in Obama who signs treaties abandoning eastern free Europe to Russian Bolshevik control, has just signed a treaty with President Medvedev giving Russia, China and terrorist carte blanche in exposing these United States to first strike nuclear attacks and Obama says America will not respond in kind, is being deemed a "moderate" and a "centrist" by historians Brinkley, Meacham and Kearns Goodwin, which is a lie in Obama is the most radical person in control of anything in America, sicne Aaron Burr's betrayal, and in 2011 Obama is going to swing farther left.

There honestly is nothing on the political script farther left than Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and yet that is the place Obama is stated by a cartel shill in Douglas Brinkley to be residing in when 2011 elections are finished.

This is bewildering, even if it was known and expected, because when Mr. Obama has vaporized all of America in rationed death, record debt, destroying the Democratic party, making America a 3rd world latino state and bowed to everything including a fire hydrant, just what does one do for an encore?
How does one vaporize vapor?

Obama has done everything which his people have telegraphed. He was going to appoint "moderates" to key positions like Robert Gates in Defence, and then fill the lower dictatorial czar positions with the lunatic left like Van Jones, and he has done exactly that.

He has changed America from Revolution to Revulsion. His groups attacks on Jews, Catholics, Christians, Patriots and the Tea Party are even surpassing the Hitler crew gathering the surplus thinkers for intimidation and death.
The figure of 6 million Jews in propaganda is nothing compared to Obamite Bill Gates letting it slip that vaccines are used to crop people and will crop over 1 billion people in the next decade.

Think about that long and hard in Hitler, Stalin and Mao in the same combined years "only" slaughtered 100 million people. Under Obama's regime 1 billion people of the world will be cropped in vaccines and aborticide.
The worst the world has produced has only done 1/10th of what moderate centrist Obama is engaged in........and Obama in another year is really going to off the grid in going hard left.

Once again, Twilight Zone left is where Barack Hussein Obama resides in the first 50 years of his self loathing existence, but the second 50 years is to eclipse that in being so far left that the Twilight Zone will seem tame and sane.

Either Barack Hussein Obama is stopped politically in 2010 or there is not going to be a free world left. It will not be enough to have patricians hiding in the GOP or Democratic party joining Obama on the left in keeping his Obamazone Agenda.
Either Obama dogma is ended by Conservative custodians with the intent of rolling back Obama draconian policies or the promise is in 2011, the United States will vanish as Obama moves so far left that the butchers of history will appear like Pope John Paul compared to Obama.

This is Obama centrist scaring the leftist extreme. That should be a warning to all.


This is Obama being moderate