Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The 270 Solution

In the salad days of Alaska, the things Sarah Palin and her family are being assaulted by, by the patricians of the east coast, would be settled by the 270 solution.

If you have not heard, Gov. Palin has this stalker who is employed by an east coast publisher working for Obama in order to smear her.
He has been invading Alaskan's homes by lying to them, getting them to bring up the Palin's on their own and then smugly trolling about east coast colleges bragging about how he is gaining this gossip to character rape the Palin family.

This scum is now renting a house 15 feet from the Palin lake home. I know that the Palin's actually checked to see about the closeness of the home in zoning regulations to try and shut this spy operation down, but as it was a grandfathered in home, it apparently is an Obama Red Square Poop Pot for invading an American family's rights.
This is beyond sick in renting a house next to someone to eaves drop on that family, and be close enough to see what is going on in children's bedrooms. It is not a David Letterman joke, but Obama hack writer reality of pedophilia.

The Palin's have now been forced to build a fence to protect their the same thing that liberals say is a Constitution in a right to privacy in abortion, but the Palin children have their entire privacy violated by this hack.
Frankly, someone who moves next to children to spy on them is a pervert.

Legally, the Palin's in being forced to build a fence for privacy due to an act by a book publisher makes them legally responsible for that cost.
Legally, the Palin's if they are harmed in any way in the construction of this fence, can hold this Obama publisher liable for millions of dollars in damages.
Legally, the Palins, have any problems whatsoever from tripping while concerned about being spied on, a child's nightmare or anything in the least, can sue the bajesus out of these Obama hacks.

In the old days, Alaska never had a need for fences as the greenhorns and old salts just used the 270 fence. It was a good neighbor solution and was always followed by, "That damn bear ate em".

You betcha them were the polite good old days.

I remember a train ride many moon ago in which two old trappers were on a train being railed against by some down state ass trying to get elected "in they were old Alaska", and in time the train got stuck in the snow.
The trappers got off the train and shot a moose, skinned it and kindled a fire by which they roasted the meat and fed the folks on the train.

Afterwards the politician sheepishly thanked the trappers for saving them.

Amazing what hunger and being in danger does to liberals.

Where is a good bear when Alaska needs one.
