Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Joe Sestak is a diminishing commodity

Joe Sestak is just too cute for his own good. He does not quite think in the perverse Obama age that what he is now playing coy about concerning B. Hussein Obama's attempted bribe of him will somehow just go away when Obama blows up the Jews in some stage war.

The reason is that Andrew Romanoff of Colorado was approached with a like deal by White House Ass. Chief of Staff Jim Messina.
The Democrats out west are different than the Specterites in they actually take offense, take names, take dates and are talking like parrots.

See Joe Sestak has a limited time in making a deal in this, because then there is Tim Johnson of South Dakota who cut the deal Sestak and Romanoff didn't in Johnson sold all his votes and his seat to Obama for his son, Sippy Cup Johnson, to gain the unlofty post of US Attorney in Sioux Falls, South his first act he started deporting Mexicans.
That should really endear Obama to the latins and endear all liberals to Obama as the crimes of Obama as listed on this blog are old, new and in the future Obama's do do.

Sestak can either name names now, or look for what he is a conspirator in covering up Obama's crimes. That makes Mr. Innocent, Mr. Guilty, because when you don't take a bribe you are a good guy, but when you don't tell who was bribing you that makes you an accessory.

That is the commodity level in this as Romanoff and his Democrats are chattering and this has been picked up and has definite legs now as Americans have latched onto finally connecting the Obama dots.
Romanoff talking, means that fast talking Sestak will soon be subpoenaed and exposed as a crook, instead of as a hero.
This then goes to Tim Johnson of South Dakota in being guilty of what Sestak and Romanoff did not carry out in accepting a bribe in exchange for a United States Senate seat.

See it doesn't matter if the bribe if 3rd party in Sippy Cup getting the job. It is a bribe.

So this is how it plays out. Romanoff and his people are talking. Sestak get hauled in and indicted as an accessory in covering this up as he is playing cute. Tim Johnson is the punchline as he is the someone who proves the bribes were handed out from Barack Hussein Obama, Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina.

That is even a conviction which Patrick Fitzgerald could get and one that Eric Holder had better start biting on or like in Watergate he is going to be charged with obstruction of justice.

Joe Sestak your clock is ticking and it is on midnight. You have just ruined your Pennsylvania Senate career. If you are not careful, that sexy blonde wife of yours is going to be dating young hunks while you are dating Mr. Maurice in federal prison as an accessory.


Michelle Malkin is Rahm Emmanuel's second M