It is official as Nobel Prizes to Obama, that the title Mr. Obama now deserves like Tim Russert changing Blue State Reagan America to Red State America, that with the tribal Islamic warfare Birdie Obama has brought to America, that he is to be referred to in his title name from this point forward as, B. Hussein Obama.
This native son of Africa claimed by Muslim Dictator Khadaffi. This native son of Africa claimed by the Muslim Cousin Odinga, is part of the brotherhood of change through political revolution while bowing to Saudi kings.
This is B. Hussein Obama.
For the Obama voter, the reality of numerous Islamic terror attacks upon America, since President George W. Bush finished his administration is telling proof how ignorant of warfare code they all were in whining, pissing, bitching and moaning about Iraq.
For the record, this blog exclusively and only revealed thee Bush Doctrine of fighting terrorists in the Middle East in creating Iraq a kill zone for terrorists where moderate Islamic states would ship their Brzezinski created radicals off to die.
This was Bush policy. This was what Sec. Donald Rumsfeld was saddled with for years when he was only ordered to prepare for Iraq liberation, and Colin Powell in kinder and gentler warfare decided to occupy Iraq, with the full Rockefeller and Rothschild intent of so bloodying Americans that no President would ever take the oil away from the cartels again as Mr. Bush had accomplished.
The Bush Doctrine was a resounding success of incredible proportions. After 9 11 week, which was Bill Clinton allowing in terrorists, and Jamie Gorelick was hiding them for a big score to make Bush 43 look bad, there was no major terror events allowed on American soil, while the rest of the world was blasted.
The Doctrine of utilizing Iraq as a kill zone, allowing the Jews to blast terrorists, allowing Fatah to have free elections which they blew to Hamas, no attacks from Hezbollah and the victory in Iraq and victory in Afghanistan, all proved what a sound policy the Bush Doctrine was.
President George W. Bush did not have one foreign policy failure in his 8 years. Afghanistan was won, but the British lost the peace. Condi Rice's policy of the surge, drove terrorists back into Pakistan to take the war to that region and away from America.
If one notes the fact, Bill Clinton for Kosovo brought out the Brzezinski fighters and created al Qaeda. George W. Bush in the Iraq Surge literally pushed them back into the mountainous regions for containment.
This is the most remarkable of successes Mr. Bush and his Administration have never been given credit for. They put the Muslim gen back into the bottle.
In complete contrast, Mr. Obama has been undoing all that was accomplished by President Bush. His "good war" with "good terrorists" against "bad terrorists" has brought the world to the point that new proxy wars by Iran are now engaged in Yemen. Africa is erupting in wars and genocide all backed by Obama fraud elections.
Mr. Obama staged a coup against President Karzai as this blog detailed in it was western socialists who committed the major fraud in the Karzai government. Obama with Richard Holbrooke literally blew up Pakistan, which put terrorists into Afghanistan who are murdering bushels of US Soldiers, and all the while the new Obama CIA is telling the world terrorists are dead in Predator strikes, and in a few weeks, they are appearing in videos alive.
There is no intelligence on the Obama regime. Their entire Muslim agent group are all al Qaeda or Iranian communist moles.
This is the point in Iran as Mr. Obama allows Iran to build more nuclear weapons. The facts indicate that it was Mr. Obama who set up the Twitter Revolution to expose all the Iranian Patriots so Ahmadinejad could cement power and exterminate the free Iranian people.
Brzezinski created the Iranian monster of Marxism and Obama has been breast feeding it with the American IED war dead.
Obama warned the Iranians the French were about to expose their nuclear bomb factory, betraying President Sarkozy.
The net result is Iran is being allowed to buzz American aircraft carriers in further humiliation of America as Iran becomes a nuclear transshipping point for terror.
B. Hussein Obama has now flushed the terrorists from the Middle East. Black African Condom bombers are sent. The latest New York bomber is the epitome of Obama being trumped by al Qaeda.
This is Pakistan involved now who Obama has been blowing up. Faisal Shahzab is the handsome poster boy for tens of millions of Pakistani's Muslims who hate America and all have access to British passports. This is the thee worst initiation in the terror front which Mr. Obama has now created, as he is not just bringing weapons of mass destruction attacks to American soil, but now masses of Muslims to carry out these attacks from Pakistan.
This is the Pandora's Box of death, and B. Hussein Obama has in thee worst policy ever initiated brought mass terror to America.
Thee only reason in tactics and strategy to do such a thing would be on the American front to initiate a massive crackdown on Americans for the coming elections. Everything Obama has been up to has been about 2012 elections. The Gulf Oil deluge was propagated by Obama to stop drilling and to smear Tea Partiers. Hutatree, the Lewis Gauntlet running with fraud N word, the riots in California, Mexican amnesty and death rationing all is geared to Obama's political wins just as Hugo Chavez was raiding the cupboard to win a second term.
President George W. Bush proved his Doctrine on Terror was a brilliant policy. B. Hussein Obama has proven with now almost a dozen terror attacks on Americans in a little over a year by his Muslim mafia, that the only people benefitting from Obama policy are terrorists.
There is no mistake in this. Those are the facts of the situation. George W. Bush's policy was geared to keep Americans and allies safe, while B. Hussein Obama's policy is geared to keep terrorists safe as American are murdered.
Faisal Shahzad, naturalized British Pakistani ward, like Obama is a naturalized British Kenyan ward could not be awarded Miranda Rights fast enough by Eric Holder.
B. Hussein Obama, protects Muslim terrorists. B. Hussein Obama is either criminally incompetent or he is an enabler of Islamic terror.
President George W. Bush had this War on Terror won, all that required doing was for John McCain to cool things down over the next few years, instead the Obama majority poured nuclear gasoline on this terror fire and brought it all back inside these United States for more political manipulations.
Do I miss George W. Bush and his lovely wife, Laura? I miss Condi Rice, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz just as much.
The Bush Administration knew what it was accomplishing for America. The problem is B. Hussein Obama of Jarrett Inc. knows what it is accomplishing for Islamic terror.
George W. Bush, no attacks inside America. B. Hussein Obama, 11 terror attacks in just over one year.
(That means Obama folks that there are 33 more attacks coming on America before Obama is done kinder and gentlering those Salahi donors he is having hand sex with.)