Sunday, May 9, 2010

Despot Disarmament

Have you noticed in B. Hussein Obama's demands for a nuclear free world that not once does the name France come into the equation of disarming the entire world, nor does the Turkish regime ever come under scrutiny from Mr. Obama in insisting they give up the numerous American nuclear warheads on "loan" to them there?

Nary a word is heard about India or Pakistan.

Odd isn't it that when Hugo Chavez signs nuclear deals with Russia, China and Iran, that Mr. Obama never peeps a chirp from his unguided bird cage. It is though when it comes to the United States unilaterally disarming as Russia advances with stealth nuclear technology and Iran is building a series of Dr. Khan based weapons for use as EMP and sea launched missile, which will be utilized against the west, that Mr. Obama only insists in the Israeli state being disarmed.

If you have not noticed, Mr. Obama seems to have a number of inconsistencies in the world. Catholics and Jews are bashed around as perverts and beasts, but Muslims and Hindus accomplish worse feats in pedophilia and butchery, just do not seem to make it on the puppy Obama press scandal sheets.
One American terrorist in Yemen is hunted down to be murdered, but another American terrorist is given Miranda Rights.

So that is the question in this in why does Mr. Obama desire America and the Israeli state disarmed and the rest of the lawless world pointing nuclear weapons at America, allowed to upgrade their arsenals?

The answer lays in the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine which are fascist and communist in origin, in this group of anarchists utilizes the decree of use a nations laws against them to overthrow them, and when that comes to the point of the Patriots fighting back, then these thugs resort to terrorism to slaughter the populace into submission.

It was amusing to watch the Charlie Rose interview with President Ahmadinejad, as Rose was begging this despot to do anything to help Obama. Rose even made the mistake of blurting out that he thought the Twitter Revolution was going to unseat these Muslim tyrants.
That is the problem with these liberals in they heard from Obama that an operation was going to be run in which a few messages were going to be posted and that would topple Ahmadinejad. Rose honestly believes this farce, when the entire Persian communist regime has AK-47's backing it and a few million had ballots.
Rose never even noted that Obama was feeding information to Ahmadinejad on the French nuclear outings and Obama never said a word about the crackdown on Persian Patriots, which means Obama was in this Twitter Revolution, literally using the US hub to assist Ahmadinejad in rounding up the Persian Patriots.

People really need to get the clue that Zbigniew Brzezinski and the British patrician left created this Iranian regime and these Persian thugs are not going anywhere as they are being protected by the American left. That is the reality of this situation from the New York Times in traitorous headlines outed all of Vice President Dick Cheney's intelligence work to topple the Persian regime.
Iran is protected by Obama, because Iran was nuclearized by the Soviets for the expressed purpose of neutralizing the Israeli state's nuclear weapon's arsenal.
This is an exclusive of this blog in explaining all of this in why Obama is joining Egypt now to demand Israel disarm.

None of this is by accident. It has a design feature of years in the making to slowly cook the Jews while they think they are American protected. Obama telling them to wait around to be vaporized and then Obama might retaliate. If Jews do not get the point, then Americans certainly have not gotten the point that Obama is staging the same scenario for American cities as nuclear terrorism is the coming tool of the globalists to neutralize America.

Nuclear disarmament has only one purpose and that is to provide despots in power the means to launch conventional wars to overcome their chosen expansionism. Certainly Mr. Obama's venue is deluding the US Pentagon into thinking that the Reagan spaced based weapons will neutralize the Eurasian hordes and America does not need nuclear weapons, but the fact remains that when wars are clean, wars are initiated, and when wars are dirty, they are not carried out.

The reason Obama is pushing for American and Israeli disarmament is to decrease their ability to make war to stop the Eurasian hordes, so despots in central Europe, Russia and China can exude strong arm intimidation on neighbor states.
The reason Turkey and France are kept nuclear armed is to deter Russia and Iran from expanding in empire and caliph.

Obama's policy is one of despotism which starts wars and in time will get billions of people dead, as the trip wires which keep nations in check are being dropped and without that stalemate, the same global wars which engulfed the world for almost 2000 years will return in force, but this time the "good guys" will be hindered in their nuclear deterrence and the despots will be the ones holding the combined nuclear arsenal greater than the west.

War and weapons must be dirty and uncivilized or those wars are fought more as clean and civil wars are always begun. As one noticed, we have had 400 years of clean and civil wars with rules, and millions of people have died, been raped and lost their nations. Obama type wars are created so the ruling elite can survive in their ivory towers as the masses are slaughtered in a civil manner.
Of course, Germany now buying Greece is a new facet in this, in super nation states are simply buying up lesser states. Russia with oil buys up Ukraine, in force it grabs parts of Georgia and in assassination wipes out Poland.

It is all civilized warfare in despot disarmament. It's trend is growing and it will only be a short few years before this rapine graduates to real blood warfare using the very weapons these despots are claiming are to be eliminated.

It is the Age of Obama.
