Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ode to the Obama

if only the dog's looks would rub off

Once upon a time in the fairy gay world of Obama, there were 5 black bears, there was Bearick bear who was tan. Muchelle bear who was 5 time removed black, Queenie and Sloven bear who like their parents were tan, and the only black bear in the family named Bobama who was Tedward Kennedy's dog.

The 5 bears moved from a Russian mansion, bought with Muslim mafia money by the naughty magician Saddam Hussein bear who lost is his head in an oil trick by the master lariat man, W of Texas, but in time the Russian mansion was just too hard for Bearick, too soft for Muchelle, too cold for Queenie, too hot for Sloven, and as Bobama was still a glimmer in Tedward's eyes, Bobama thought it was just right, when the fairy gay Obama's arrived in the Tan House at 1600 Rip off American Avenue, District of Crime.

There the family of bearbamas went bull in chewing in GM as it tasted just right, devoured Chrysler as it was sweet, ate American finance as it was the fatted calf, and dined upon rationed death for the fifth course, but still the bear's appetite could not be met as something kept growling in their stomach.

At night they kept hearing, "Drill baby drill", as the bearbamas had tried the meal once in first they sexed it like sweet cherry pie, but it kept coming back, then they hacked it in email pieces and it still kept coming back, and then they had cocktails over it with pedophiles and it still kept growling from the land of Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and the Gulf Coast in "drill baby drill" in their tummy, tum, tums.

It was in that moment that Bearick while playing with his derrick, heard a little English bird singing away in his tree. Bearick said, "Come down here little bird and I will eat thee!"
"Nay I say", said the English sparrow, "For I have a Brown covered cloak which protects me and I have just mated with Amoco to form a new skillet surprise of lard for the American larder".

Bearick growled as he was quite Obama goats gruff in knowing he could not eat Amoco as for some reason a Hawaiian listed bear was getting loads of money from the British Petroleum sparrow of the garden of good criss to waste and evil to explore.

Hmmm the narrator thinks
, "Perhaps this Obamabear is on his tag a Kenyan born Britisher birdie and not a bear with all that lootie, loot, loot, covering his caboose!"

But alas the BP sparrow chimed in with a song, "Oh Obama with your nose so brown, won't you guide my oil contracts to Libya bound."

Bearick listened intently to the tale of BP would sink that growling in the Obama tummies, in exchange for a Libyan oil deal, and all it would take would be the release of a terrorist of Lockerbie who had only murdered Americans, and as Bearick understood that dead Americans were of no value now as ACORN could not get them to vote, it would be good to cover it all with oil and make a taste treat.

"What if we get caught?," Bearbama howled.

"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," replied BP sparrow, "As your dyke will breach the oil flow in Naps Napolitano. She will not see that we turned off all the safety valves, almost blew up our own flock of BP flocklings on the rig, spilled oil over the entire Gulf coast, and all the evidence will be sunk a mile down, and it will all be blamed on a magic methane cloud".

Bearick pondered the deal, and considered that it would be perfect in the Gulf as Alaska would rally Sarah Palin, the Virginia wells would flow out to the Atlantic, and all those Tea Party states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who did not like usurper British bears in the Tan House, would be slimed to oblivion.

Bearick still asked the sparrow if the Libyan deal was all they wanted?

"Why yes," said the BP sparrow, as we will insure the oil rig with J.P. Morgan Chase who is owned by the Rockefeller our partners. We will take off the insurance cost, production cost and drill our flowing oil well catastrophe for nothing in the American people will pay for it all.

Bearick thought some more and BP sparrow said, "Bearbama, you want to tank American insurance companies for your Obamacare, so with all the insurance claims on Gulf industries which will ruin your political opposition, you will be killing three birds with one oil well stone crisis!"

Bearick thought some more and BP sparrow said, "Bearick, when you kill off the seafood industry of Tea Party Forrest Gumps, you can import Chinese seafood as an incentive payback for all the debt they will buy from you!"

"Oh my," thought Bearbama, "That does taste nice, all those different flavors in one meal and I get to shut down American economic recovery in drilling oil!"

The deal was struck with a beak and a paw shake, and it was wondered if the Swiss firm who owned the drilling rig would appreciate it if the money would flow through their banks as there was allot of money flowing.

There was the no doubt double drilling cost tax deductions in England and America. The insurance deducted as costs. No doubt the insurance payments were offshore so no taxes were collected on them. Then there was the liability insurance which insurance companies would be paying out as Bearick told Americans to sue BP sparrow, but their own insurance industry would be paying it, so Americans would be slitting their own throat to have both a oil and blood trail for all the globalist snacklings to snack snack snacky upon.

Bearick thought there might even be an Ode par dux to the Obama in BP could sell the salvage rights to the Chicoms who would raise the rig, and then use it in the Gulf to drill their own wells pumping American oil for China.

It was all an Obama day. The money was flowing and being siphoned and except for 11 pesky dead oil rig workers, the dreamy dream dreams of ending the growling of "drill baby drill" stopped in the tummy tum tum of Obamabear times five.

So the Americans died, their dreams they died, but the Obamabear clan cave cubs all lived happily ever after.

Isn't that the way history is written when the crooks own the puppy press howling at the moon over America, they have hung with a death shroud?

Thee End............or maybe a beginning if Conservatives get into Congress and start implementing Grand Juries to expose what sure looks like economic terrorism against these United States.
