Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Dykesexual

only babes need apply

Things are really Twilight Obamazone when a butch like Elena Kagan has to be apologized to by CBS Obamanews for putting into print she is a homosexual soddenite. Soddenite being the term for El Kagan in her wet Peggy Noonan panties for women.
Everyone at Harvard and in liberal circles knows she is openly parading she is homosexual.

Elena Kagan is a dyke and there is no coming out of the closet for her as she has a female sex associate on her arm at Harvard. This is well known. It is well known she screams about "don't ask don't smell" in the military, took it to political queer nation status in violating federal law in kicking out the military from Harvard, Kagan is publicly thanked for her championing the abnormal sexual choices of Harvardites, so it is a pretty far reach to say El was in the closet when she has been the poster dyke for Harvard.

El Kagan is like all humans and needs to not be set apart as the gay nation always attempts like Eddie Murphy does in being "black" so he could get away with perverse sexual actions. Every human is built with a genetic defect each has to overcome Spiritually whether it is food, jewelry, dope or looking at yourself in the mirror.
I have no idea if El was molested like Rosie O'Donnell, but both of these women have an extra testosterone hormone parading around in their system the way most girly men have an undeveloped ovary. If you dwell on the girl in you if you are a man, you start looking for gay toughs to punish you and if you dwell on the man in you if you are girl, you start looking for lipstick lesbians to dominate.
Elena Kagan simply groomed her genetic fault and turned it into a political disposition she wants enabled. She likes playing gay at Harvard in her network, but doesn't want the cake to be eaten in public where she is going to have to come under the scrutiny of a better educated world who is not falling for the "pity me I am gay" talking point as everyone has something to overcome and sexual acts are a choice, you are not born that way, but groom yourself to your fetishes.

That is the biggest of frauds in Elena Kagan and Barack Hussein Obama, another slumming sodomite who likes using gays to fill in where Michelle will not smoke his cigar, but has no time for gays in marriage as that is a phobia of Obama, but Obama wants gays lined up in the military to be slaughtered.

Does America really want someone on the Supreme Court who is not even honest nor able in themselves to deal with their own sexual choices in life? What if this was a normal hetero woman who refused to bring her husband along in public? Would that not strike gay people as someone who was beyond confused and should perhaps not be a person deciding epic laws which guide the entire American nation?

I believe homosexuals have to overcome being defined by sex acts, which it appears Elena Kagan is carrying out but not comfortable with in admitting to, even if one can look at this woman and immediately know she is a butch, because that is what she grooms herself as. Sure she lipsticks it up in girly costumes, but just like Naps Napolitano, these Obama mansexuals all are jolting the testosterone gene for years. Hillary Clinton didn't get that deep voice by acting like a girl, but she got it from hitting the testosterone in being Bills man dog biting his political opponents.

One can absolutely groom a sex to take on the qualities of another sex by environment. Those who have molestation hurts, rejection hurts or being initiated end up with their sexual programming wired wrong and the more one initiates that current, the more they take on the quality they choose.

Elena Kagan is a liar. She is lying to herself, lying to the homosexuals around her, lying to America, and Obama in his sexual lies is enabling her, and this is the liar he wants on a Supreme Court which is designed exclusively on Moral Truths.

There are many reasons Elena Kagan does not belong on the Supreme Court. Her current manifestation is she does not even know who she is, so she should not be in a position making decisions to dictate absolute laws to Americans in who they should be.

nuff said

agtG 227

PS: Ever notice that Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen DeGenneris etc... in these rich ugly lesbians ONLY will date lipstick lesbians, and will never look at ugly women like themselves?
Want to bet that El Kagan only has a lipstick in her larder too and never dated a Rosie like her?