Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stupid is as Stuid does

For all the liberals who desired a Parliament to destroy the American People's stalemated Government stopping of Obama, what has just happened in Great Britain is exactly why no nation should have anything to do with a Parliament and it is a clarion warning call to the Conservatives in America, that you never trust liberals, leftists or lurking Obamites as those political bastards are just waiting to stick America with some John McCain jr. again in 2012.

That is the brand of treachery of patricians.

What has occurred in England is the People of Britain elected a Conservative majority in David Cameron's Tories. Cameron though was not up to the task in being this kinder and gentler queerifile sounding more like Barack Obama than Maggie Thatcher.

So Cameron is dusting off the furniture in 10 Downing, the Brit White House, and having pleasant negotiations with England's Barack Hussein Obama jr. in a Marxist named Nick Lenin Clegg. Clegg was busy talking to Cameron who in good faith was trusting Obama jr. and in the meantime Clegg was busy sawing off the head of Gordonian Knot Brown, in which Brown like Dr. Frankenstein provided the saw for the job in the Marxist monster Clegg is for England.

So Obama supporters get this, imagine you went to bed on November 2008 thinking Birdie would be in the White House, but by morning you awoke to news that McCain was negotiating with Ralph Nader and McCain agreed to resign in a few months if Nader tossed in with him to stop Obama, at which time Nader would be President.
No kipper snacks there Obamites, that is what just happened in England in a person with a few votes and fewer won seats outside the Obamite compounds thwarted the people's will and installed a Marxist more loony than your Obama.

This blog alone warned of the fragmentation of American voting in cheating so that some Chavez would be installed with like 23% of the vote. That is exactly what just happened in England in Nick Clegg with 23% of the vote just took over England.
For those who know history, Adolf Hitler ousted Hindenburg from power and took over Germany with a minority wacko coalition like this too.

This is all thanks to Gordon Brown. He promised to make Clegg king if Gordon could hang onto power for a few more months at which time the wacko Labour left will hand over power to the insane extra wacko Liberal Labour left.

In all of this, isn't this just peachy? The peachy part is England just got Obamanized. Yes that is the moral of this story in Clegg came out of nowhere just like Obama. Just like Obama smashed Hillary Clinton and John Edwards factions of the party, his zealots went out and smashed Fred Thompson (shall we remember Joe Scarborough's crude pole dancer reference to Mrs. Thompson?) and these crossover liberals installed John McCain, who had no voter base, all so Obama in his election fraud and theft would be installed as the British Prime Minister of America.

England like America just got their leadership stolen, because as this blog warned, David Cameron is too naive like John McCain and the rest of the socialists to ever take on backstabbers, usurpers and traitors to their People's Government.
That is why Richard Nixon had Richard Nixon, why Gerald Ford had Don Rumsfeld, why George H. W. Bush had Lee Atwater and why George W. Bush had Karl Rove.
This is the warning to Sarah Palin, the Tea Partiers and Conservatives. You take it to the liberals like Ronald Reagan did with Bill Casey or they are going to Obama you out in the same bribes, election fraud and thwarting the will of the American People.

David Cameron is a lesson as this blog warned. Americans had better be locked and loaded in this, put someone into the leadership who is not going to Scott Brown compromise and be 10 steps ahead or Americans are going to be kinder and gentled to the political morgue with a big Obama knife in their back.

Stupid is as stupid does.


PS: Paging the Queen, for the security of England in what is about to engulf Eurasia, call Mr. Cameron, Mr. Clegg and Mr. Brown and tell them Mr. Cameron is being instructed to form a Government.