Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Hussein that keeps on Giving

I saw eternity once.

It was on the American Great Plains in a place where if I walked north, I would have not seen anything but grasslands until I reached the Arctic Tundra several thousand miles away.

It was on a November dawn and I came across a grass canyon which seemed small in that vastness, but was huge, although I did not comprehend it yet.
A sage grouse erupted at my feet in the seemingly flatness which sounded explosive in the utter silence. I can still this bird about the size of a turkey flying away, because it was a dichotomy.

The human mind is geared to attention spans which are short in connection to their surroundings. I expected this bird like all birds to disappear, but it did not due to the size of the range. It just kept flying and gliding down this canyon until my attention span broke and it vanished into eternity.

The American West will do that to people in it seems so near and becomes to huge it envelops all who enter into it. The sage grouse is that way too in seeming so small, but when touched is a very large bird like a moorhuhn of northern Europe.

The reason this matters is I had reported to me that the sage hen numbers are down again this year in cocks are not booming on the breeding grounds in North Dakota. The Game Fish and Parks there believes it is due to West Nile, and that, is why this article is being written.

I have noted that for the past years since West Nile was released in these United States that the American song bird population has been destroyed by nearly 3/4ths.
Like Prince Charles on his estates, I have out numbers of breeding houses for my various playmates and feed my feathered friends constantly. This past winter I was extremely distressed as all of my chickadees were gone, as in dead.
That bothered me personally as for 3 years I had a rather robust chickadee who used to literally screech in delight inches from my shoulder as I would fill his feeder. There is nothing more silent than the wilds without it's birds and America is without her birds in the multiple millions.

Birds for those who do not comprehend this message, eat insects and weed seeds. Remove the birds and one has pestilence starting as Chairman Mao found out after he killed all the English Sparrows in China as he disliked them.
The birds were slaughtered and the Chinese starved the next years as insects ate their crops.

I take West Nile very personal as it was one of my first issues of study in terror warfare, because it hit home with me personally in my very aged horse whom I had known since his birth died of West Nile.
That might not sound that important except he died 3 years before West Nile was in these United States.

I have researched and written of this, but the interesting parts are the Rockefellers at New York University were doing epic work on a West Nile vaccine just one year before America was deluged with this epidemic.
I know this epidemic spread along the interstate corridors, when it should have spread in the north south bird migration routes.
I know that Saddam Hussein was weaponizing West Nile and fully intended to place it into America.

I know I watched my horse die from it and the Vet at the time could not figure out what killed him unless it was a ruptured artery, which it was not.

What this all means as I see my horse's hip bones still peeking out of the grass where I laid him as we put him down to return to the land which fed him, is that the United States Government knew that someone has put West Nile into America several years before it became a plague.

We know that the Rockefellers were privy to this intelligence and started a crash program they abandoned as West Nile was not killing people in numbers to make a profit off of.

We know that these United States were attacked by Saddam Hussein at least twice in West Nile broadcasting of this plague. The first killed my horse and the second has been established in killing people, horses and song birds by the millions.

That is what is interesting in this in I have had family contract West Nile and one's head became very sore from brain swelling and the other was admitted to hospital.
My Vet in discussions informed me several years ago that all the horses he felt in my area had contracted West Nile, so vaccines were not necessary as West Nile had killed those suseptable to it and the living had developed an immunity.
The avians of America though are not as fortunate it seems as America is being deprived of almost it's entire song bird population, with certain species like sage grouse being hit extremely hard.

Into this, what is B. Hussein Obama spending money on? Why Mr. Obama is luring states into developing more federally linked policing of individual farmers in putting them on lists, not to study West Nile, but instead they are still looking at Bird Flu.
Bird Flu not in migratory waterfowl or farmyard ducks and geese, but in chickens which have never in America shown any inclination to this disease as in Eurasia.

So as an interesting thing to ponder, is this Tyson foods or other corporate Obama supporters behind this waste of money in spying on Grandma with her dozen Rhode Island Reds or is Obama expecting something staged that will show up in American chickens?

Natural survival of the fittest will actually breed birds in America and people who will survive Bird Flu, Obama Flu or West Nile eventually after devastating results.
The Black Plague of Europe actually bred a genetic human which most Americans are born of who were resistant to that disease. Interestingly, those decedents also had a natural immunity to AIDS.

This though does not compensate for all the dead song birds in America which should be part of an emergency program from the Interior, run much better than the Obama oil spill in the Gulf. Although both are equal in disasters, but no one seems to care about the birds which protect these United States from pestilence.

I have lost a great deal in this in my hacienda was attacked by Saddam Hussein with a weapons of mass destruction attack, but such events like this are not noted in the press.
President George W. Bush could not make such evidence known as it would have triggered an immediate response to vaporize Iraq, and the question once again how all of this happened on Bill Clinton's compartmentalized Jamie Gorelick's watch and nothing was done about it.
So when I have constantly heard the nimwits of the left croon Obama tunes about no WMD's in Iraq, I know otherwise in the unwritten history of biological attacks upon Americans, as I suffered one.
I got to hold my horse as he was injected with synthetic morphine, got to hold his head as it flopped down and the potion killed him. I got to load him, dump him and then express my emotions over him as he decomposed back to the land which grew him.

America has been suffering biological warfare, Great Britain has been suffering nuclear warfare and all Mr. Obama is intent on with his PETA followers is disarming America.

This Hussein bunch are gifts which keep on giving. When is the Truth of this all going to come out?
Are the 6 and 7 figure salaries of the puppy press so corrupting they are all Mr. Marxists Tin Men in no longer having hearts.

"My friends with whom I lodged provided me a room, and when I retired, they explained a Nightingale would visit and sing the night away.
I sat by the open window observing the bird past midnight, flitting from branch to branch, singing, until sleep found me in my dreams."

Theodore Roosevelt

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