Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Obama Loses Iraq

This blog was alone in warning of the coming loss of all that Americans invested in the war on terror in Mr. Obama deliberately handing over Iraq to the Islamocommunists there, and the fact is certain that the intelligence and munitions being fed the terrorists in Iraq are well coordinated and adept.

In one day, bombings and attacks spread from northern, central and southern Iraq, into the heart of Baghdad. Remote controlled bombs and silencers on drive by shootings, which were so detailed that the terrorists are no wearing government uniforms, all reveal just how well established and flourishing this terrorist group has become under Mr. Obama's dithering.
This can not be missed as what these events are foretelling is Iraq is not some Sheik bin Laden going out and purchasing nuclear armaments or sending terrorists on 9 11 attacks, but Iraq is turning into the Asian manufacturing model of wholesale terrorism, operating inside Iraq.

The IED's during the Bush years were coming from Iran. The current Obama regime though points to a sophistication which has progressed beyond the Persian communist community organized mentoring..
These terrorists were sending the message that they can hit anywhere in Iraq, use sophisticated methods and mix it up on a base level in drive by shootings, with a depth of ability that is thumbing it's nose at America.

It requires a great deal of planning to obtain uniforms, utilize silencers which must be mounted upon weapons as they just do not mount on barrels by themselves, know the escape routes, know the attack routes and fully comprehend the situation to get away without being harmed.
These are Saddam Hussein Ba'athists, but there is something more going on here as this is not just Iranian hit and run as witnessed previously, nor is it the mentality of the Syrian or Chinese. This all points to the Russians are conducting these operations in full force will full compliance by the central Europeans.

That is what must be comprehended in this as Obama dithers in Afghanistan to slaughter Americans, have his Pak Intel operatives send out Condom and New York City fizzle bombs, which will have Obama declare before the 2012 elections "victory", that literally Iraq which was liberated has been handed over to Russian Bolsheviks and Saddam Baathists, exactly was the case in who was running that nation for Europeans before Saddam was toppled.

Now though Mr. Obama in retreating from Iraq has provided all of these neo terrorists with a Green Zone, a more refined cash flow not being plundered by Saddam, and what appears to be a wonderfully advanced manufacturing base which is not being bothered with West Nile attacks on America, but is refining it's operations in toppling the Iraqi government and when that is accomplished, these new Obama terrorists are going to be coming to America with thee most perfected of terror warfare attacks, all with hosts of Iraqi immigrants to assist them.
Think Oklahoma City with John Doe Iraqi 1 and 2 coordinated out of federal police munition deliveries was a problem? Obama is turning Iraq into the terrorist manufacturing hub of the entire world.

This is all so much fun in piles of dead bodies being ignored by the media, as Obama's military in Iraq stands around making excuses for the Obama meltdown as the most sophisticated terror operations in the world are being run, and no one in the puppy press wants to call attention to it.

Oh well the world has Obama and none of the details or death matter. I suppose when the Saddam Army starts a war inside America joining the Mexican terrorists, the Pakistani terrorists, the Hamas terrorists and the Obama federal police, that somehow it will be compartmentalized and all be blamed on George W. Bush as Obama continues chewing on his cherry pie.

The community organizer from Chicago now organizing the terror community in Iraq.

Tis the Age of Obama

agtG 215

Obama looses Iraq