Saturday, May 8, 2010

It takes an Obama to know an Obama

In catalogueing the gay slurs brought on by the left against their opponents, Huffington Post was leading this pack during the Bush years in using the connection of being gay to Dick Cheney and company as their view of the ultimate slap.

This I always found odd as the left is the home of sodomite and soddenites and yet there are gay people sitting mutely by while their leaders were using their choices in life to attack opponents. Jews would never stand for such a thing nor would blacks in their race, but for some reason the choice of sexual acts as a derogatory comment against opponents of the left is deemed acceptable by the gay leftists.

The reason for addressing this again is the tale of two liberals in Anderson Cooper and B. Hussein Obama in the use of "tea bagger" as a slur against Americans of the Tea Party movement.
In the chronology of the term Tea Bagger, the Tea Partiers in fact did start with a slogan of "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems" as protest signs were written. Like the majority of Americans, they viewed this in terms of the Boston Tea Party in a revolutionary rejection of taxation without representation in draconian levies placed on Americans in record spending by Democrats.
To "Tea Bag" was meant in several contexts as in "bagging a bad guy" and to dunk the Democratic bag in the pools of the electorate in protest.

This though changed with Anderson Cooper who absolutely became giddy with the term as Mr. Cooper apparently was exposed to the homosexual club scene which was featured in the sodomite prostitution film, Pecker, by John Waters in which Go Go Boyz were performing scrotum sucking on clients, and or, the Chicago type of Barack Hussein Obama as inspired by mentor Uncle Frank Marshall Davis who took on clients in rich white folks whose wives would not perform oral sex on their husbands, and these males would slum like Mr. Davis' white wife in the black gay clubs and get serviced by black men and then going home to their patrician families.
Butch dyke, of MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, who enjoys bashing Christians in Uganda attempting to stop gays spreading HIV and gay rape of children, joined in on this "Tea Baggin" with repeated jokes in like Cooper, being quite malevolently giddy about this, as if somehow degrading tax protesters as gay individuals who performed sexual acts, like Barack Hussein Obama engaged in, was somehow something to really impugn the integrity of Americans on the right as pushed by Jon Stewart of the Daily Show.

For the record, this is most bizarre that this group giggles at this sexual entrande as some sort of debate point while using gays as a maul in hate speech. If anything, someone not realizing pearl necklaces, tea bagging and cream pie do not in fact refer to jewelry, beverages and desert, exposes the purity of the Americans behind the tax protests as they are not sexual addicts initiating all sorts of code terms for sexual acts which are illegal in all religions, all Muslim and Christian states and fill normal people with revulsion in the context these are "marking" acts meant to degrade another human of their dignity in the sadist and masochistic genres.

In understanding that point, it was most interesting that Jonathan Altar noted that B. Hussein Obama was openly referring to Americans as "tea baggers" by the autumn of 2009 building upon the sodomist press jokes of the spring. What is most interesting in this is the context of Brokeback Obama in being a slumming sodomite who does gay interviews with Charlie Gibson, does cuddle jokes about Brian Williams and features flossing stories with Reggie Love, actually resorted to this gay bashing in the company of liberals he felt comfortable with.
To "tea bag Obama" struck a deep chord in the Prime Minister of the White House, and that is most interesting in Obama has his wires crossed in the entire time line as he actually has it wired in his teleprompter mind that the Tea Party started after the GOP rejection of the Obama stimulus or kickback graft to this cronies.

As this blog has exclusively catalogued, the Tea Party actually started in the winter of 2008 when one Lawrence Sinclair went public with phone calls he received from Barack Hussein Obama's gay sex partner, Donald Young of Chicago, who was murdered in December of 2007, in both of these men were familiar with Mr. Obama's penis appendage as they were used by Mr. Obama for this oral sex act.
It was in the summer of 2008, that the ACORN fraud linked to the 300 million dollars in illegal foreign campaign funds laundered by Penny Pritzker from Obama terrorist sponsors in the Middle East built upon the Sinclair saga, and soon were joined by the Birther movement.

This chronology is certain and as Newsbusters Noel Sheppard and Matthew Sheffield, both Obama supporters in attempting the days after the election to silence this growing group for Obama in terming them psychologically unbalanced as suffering from "Obama Derangement Syndrome", this groundswell of the Silent Majority started this chatter which was ridiculed by Shep Smith, Ann Coulter and "others on the right who betrayed the Conservatives, starting with Peggy Noonan's wet panty dew for Obama".

This movement was home at Joseph Farah's pages as he stoked this issue and in time after the draconian spending and strangulation by Obama of America, after George W. Bush had the economy strangled, ignited spontaneously in CNBC personality Rick Santelli to protest bail outs and stimulus spending which were only funneling tax money to Obama supporters.

This revolution from the Reagan years was simply simmering there like an Icelandic volcano and when tapped it erupted with full force as the election fraud which installed Obama into office was not able to overcome state by state voting which soon started electing Republicans to Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, all Democratic generational strongholds.
This must be revisited as 10 million Republican votes disappeared in the 2008 election which were explained away as "GOP immigration", but and expert who I spoke with could not understand where these 10 million votes had disappeared to.
The question in this is then, did Obama in his large key states, so rig the election in vote count fraud as Al Franken would later in Minnesota manufacture more votes than there were Minnesota voters, that John McCain did win the 2008 election, but Obama's ACORN associated folks and Chicago cronies across the board tally McCain votes into the Obama category in counting them.

Did in fact what happened in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts reflect the real electoral votes?

One can speak of a pro American surge in voting to counter the GOP, but even with Democratic fraud in these elections as always, there appears without the national cover, that normal fraud could not match the Obama fraud.

This GOP backbone by the Tea Partiers though is what B. Hussein Obama is focused upon. Obama took it extremely personal though in the GOP abandoning him on the Hawaiian vacation turned DC greenhouse. So much so that Obama returned to his Frank Marshall Davis past in using a term his group was familiar with in "tea bagger" as the ultimate slap.
One must understand that Davis and Obama's group view gay men as prositutional objects to use for their benefit like one does a hit off a joint, and then tosses it away. Obama in using this term has reached to the greatest contempt he can for anyone as that is what Obama views as the greatest slur in calling someone a gay prostitute, which is why it probably resonates so deeply with Obama as this blog noted when Lawrence Sinclair needed a first date Chicago, the limo driver immediately found Chicago escort to gay men, Barack Hussein Obama, to dilly his dally.

Obama was the call boy in Chicago and now thinking he has arisen to messiah status is busy judging which terrorists live and which get Miranda Rights, which Jews live and which Persians get nuclear arsenals, and which Slavs are ruling Russians and which Slavs are slaves, but here without even knowing was a group of Christian Patriots protesting taxes reminding Obama of the "tea bagger" he was and is.

While the Tea Partiers were thinking American Independence in all Her Purity, Obama and his crowd instead were hearing sodomite slurs they call each other.

In he end of this chronology, Obama using "tea bagger" ends with one definition, It takes one to know one.

Turn out the lights Gracie, the shows over.
