Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saving Greece Saves America

It apparently needs to be repeated as people have not had it soak in, that the tragedy falling upon Greece and the Iberian states is initiated, just like the rapine against American, Iceland and England.
The Stock Markets just do not by accidental key manipulation sell billions instead of millions in key stocks which set off deliberate hits on other stable stocks, some of which Warren Buffett owns.

Odd how Buffett's name seems to be lurking among all of these transactions now is it what not?

The forces now having come for GM are now after the GE class of capitalists who stood by and allowed Obama to loot the world with his benefactors. The GE conglomerates should realize just like in Nazi Germany, after they came for the Jews and the Lutherans, they came for the others too. The cartels are now coming for GE to put their own Obamite in control of this one world order.

Greece, Spain and Portugal, like America, Great Britain and Iceland were financial competitors of the central Europeans. (As a note in this, I have noted that China is a paper tiger of nothing in economics, and the economic gurus are pointing to within a year that China will meltdown also. Asia's time will come and then the real festivities start in 3 billion furious, hungry and horny males start looking for something to destroy.) Greece currently is the "Slavic nation to buy" as this cartel bought up the best resources in eastern Europe in 2008 and 2009, as all of this was intended.
The competitors of Greece, Spain and Portugal will be bought up, in an invasion this time without boots or bayonets. A nice quite empire built of German monetary dictates and Italian religious order.

With the fraud numbers coming out in America of "more people hired" and those hirelings are Census workers, while unemployment in America is again spiking, America has probably not seen the last of it's being roasted over the coals. England in is dire straits and America's rock n roll hootchie coo is going to see a second wave worse than the first.
The indications of this is Obama using the SEC to gut Goldman Sachs, the trigger selling attack on the solvent American companies in this latest Obama plunder and the logical necessity as Obama has not yet installed his folks into the CEO positions of all the major conglomerates as the lurking Nazi imports from 1945 are making a move for domination and ownership of the world in the 4th Reich born.

There is a way to save Greece. When one listens to the economic pundits saying that there is not, because Greece can not produce anything, it is just more of this dividing and plundering or southern Europe by the elites.
Greece does need to start acting capitalistic, in doing what all small nations did to build themselves from Japan, England to America in their histories, and that is to turn to the seas as traders and miners plying the lucrative markets Greek shipping could magnify.
As in my doctrines detailed here, America should plunder the ocean depths of mineral and oil wealth. Japan and England should be America's trading hubs into Eurasia feeding raw supplies. Greece along with Spain would be employed in shipping for their economic cut of the pie, and in free trade these new Yankee Traders would be able to dominate the world at large and rise to economic heights of net profits, instead of net debts.

The counter to this though in the European axis and Russian domination have been initiating all of this western rapine in order to end the competition. B. Hussein Obama has been the willing conduit in this in providing the legal structure through Congress and the financial looting through Tim Geithner to bring about this European domination.
This is difficult for people to comprehend, but this European order is without borders. It's followers are globalists like that crap Star Trek keeps indoctrinating Americans with. Barack Obama is a son of this and it is why he went to Berlin for his introduction to the world. This strange little tan Marxist of world bastardized tribreeding is homogenized European, because that is his order. He will bow to Arab kings, vacation in Indonesia, claim he is a Hawaiian son, but he is an adoptive creature of the Europeans in George Soros. This is where his loyalties lie and the Greeks should start waking up, because the old dynasties have just bought up their debt when they have no way to repay it.

This is about nation buying now, a new concept, never before witnessed in history in suave deals are being groomed in nations loaded with debt are meant to default on that debt, and in time, that debt is coming with the title agreement of ownership of an entire nation.
I caution here exclusively for the first time in Americans had better watch their Obama purses, because China if she is imploded as the policy is being laid, starts looking for cash for it's billions in American debt, might just be forced for a swap in which this same European order will for pennies on the dollar buy up the American debt, and then demand immediate payment in full.

In a scheme like that, Marxists Obama and Pelosi will in control of the government literally turn the United States over in debtor status to the central European financiers holding this debt. This group was given trillions by Obama in his 2009 payouts. They literally will now be able to buy the United States for a fraction of that cost, with the money Obama looted from the US Treasury and put into European banks.

Watch this, in this exclusive broken here by God's Grace. This cartel is not going to stop until they own what you breathe. The perfect solution is exactly what Obama has initiated in having foreign control of American debt, foreign control of American banks in limiting their ability to lend to an America which is in need, and then within a short year, concentrating that control in the European monopoly.

There is a reason the US conglomerates are being gutted of financial resources and that reason is their takeover. America is Greece in the making if this Obama 2008 implosion continues. It is obvious and in plain site, but only covered here.

That should be about enough of this Obama gluttony to digest for now. All of this is quite brilliant and it is progressing exactly according to the protocols laid out.

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