Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama's new Muslim Creation: Frankenmuslim

So Sheik bin Laden and Dr. Zawahiri were not enough for Obama, in Obama has now had to create a new terrorist who is inspiring terrorists to murder Americans now, and Obama has compounded this Obama line in this cleric is an American named Anwar al-Awlaki, as has been featured previously here as Mr. Obama has legalized his murder.

The cleric's new comment is:

"American civilians are to blame, the American people, in general, are taking part in this and they elected this administration and they are financing the war."

This is of course all Obama's doing. Mr. al-Awlaki was quite sedate in Yemen being a pest, until Mr. Obama blew up Afghanistan and Pakistan in his "right war", which flushed numbers of terrorists into Yemen.
Not planning for this event, Mr. Obama punted the ball to Saudi Arabia and told them to fight Iran there, to which the Saudi's now are warning a Muslim 100 years war is about to erupt due to Obama's incompetence.

Inflaming Yemen, gave folks like Nidal Hasan and the Condom bomber a new religious zealot to reach of the stars and Cleric al-Awlaki stepped up to the al Qaeda constellation.

This Obama escalation was not complete, because Obama decided an inferno was not large enough, so he really pissed off American citizen al-Awlaki in attempting to deny him his American rights by murdering him.

What is the Polish joke now?

How many Obama's does it take to make a million more terrorists and a dozen more wars?

No joke there, just one and he is dithering deliberately away at it.


Obama's new buddy terrorist

Wonder of wonders, citizen al-Awlaki took this all personal, especially when the cleric tried to cuddle with lead bullets the English Ambassador to Yemen, and failing at that murder of the English, the British SAS joined up with Obama's forces there and have been unsuccessfully hunting this American since Christmas.

Mr. al-Awlaki has now been forced to this point, just like FDR forced the Japanese before Pearl Harbor in this graduated liberal warfare, in he is now telling terrorists to murder innocent Americans in scorched earth policy.

This entirely rests now on B. Hussein Obama. If one reviews the blogs posted here, this blog laid out a Yemen kill zone to slaughter all of these terrorists within months of creating this war zone. That was all public and known by Obama's surveillance of this blog, and instead Obama has screwed the pooch again, and now he has created Mr. bin Laden jr. American Style.

There are no excuses for this depth of dithering by Mr. Obama. These operations are so simply to construct and carry out, that Mr. Obama is completely to blame for this turning into another Brzezinski terror nightmare.

If one reviews Mr. al-Awlaki's statements, he actually liked America. His father has no problems with America and has pleading for his son's life. Somehow in all of this Obama has turned another Muslim who was just spouting off into a full blown terrorist inspirational warlord leader.
Mr. al-Awlaki is among his huge tribe and they will protect him. It will either be expensive in American and British Soldiers dead to go in and get him, or expensive now in dead Americans as Mr. al-Awlaki sends in more terrorists to get back at B. Hussein Obama policy.

This blog has warned that Obama has dragged the United States into a 3rd world Muslim tribal war and it has now grown to epic proportions with chieftain Obama against the Yemeni cleric, the Egyptian Doc and the Saudi Syrian Yemeni poet.

Obama is going to kill a bushel of Yemeni's yet in this, and turn a hundred thousand of those people into terrorists looking to murder Americans.

But don't worry Obamites, you have Sarah Palin to attack with Robert Gibbs featuring that instead of plugging Obama's oil slick or there is always the Tea Party for Naps Napolitano to put more federal police on as Obama's Cold Sore Wars fester and spread.