Monday, May 24, 2010

Pastor James David Manning

I was pondering an encore event for Pastor James David Manning of ATLAH World Ministries in his successful prosecution of Barack Hussein Obama and forwarding the verdict to Congress under 10th Amendment Rights.

Pastor Manning is incredibly brave and patriotic in his leading voice into the crimes of Mr. Obama, and in that, readers will note from the beginning the absolute call from this blog for the family of Donald Young, Mr. Obama's sexual partner, to have closure in the solving of his case.
Not once has the powerful Mr. Obama enlisted the FBI in finding the murderer of Donald Young. In fact, the Secret Service should have investigated the murder of Mr. Young for the security of Mr. Obama. In example, Mr. Young was an associate of Mr. Obama literally, so if God forbid something happened to another Chicago associate of Mr Obama which involved murder, would not the FBI and the Secret Service investigate this case if it was a current associate?
So that being the case, why is not black Chicago American, Donald Young afforded that same effort and that same effort be enlisted to protect Mr. Obama?

In that Pastor Manning, should do what a host of liberals were calling for against George W. Bush in an INQUEST to find the real answers behind the murder of Donald Young.
Paul Krugman, hisself, was demanding such an event against President Bush by Barack Hussein Obama. That alone reveals that if Mr. Obama can initiate an inquest, then Pastor Manning could initiate and lead a like event into the murder of Donald Young to bring the facts to light.

Certainly, Rev. Jeremiah Wright who has been run over by the Obama bus, holds great amounts of information on Donald Young and the day of the murder. Pastor Manning as a congregational leader of the black community should request Rev. Wright to join him in this investigation.

I would suggest that Det. Mark Furman, of the O.J. Simpson trial be asked to review the evidence. I would suggest a top forensics investigator trusted by Dr. Manning be brought into this inquest to explain to the public and provide new evidence the Chicago PD has overlooked.
A star witness could be Lawrence Sinclair in revealing his intimate conversations with Mr. Young.

The entire scope of witnesses and people who have contacted Pastor Manning could be entered into evidence, with the full hearing and verdict brought before the American Public and in this instance the New York and Federal District Attorney's office requesting a full court inquest into this new information would be a stepping stone obtaining closure for the Donald Young family.

Who else but a black American Pastor should conduct this inquest for a black American parishioner? Pastor Manning in the trial of Barack Hussein Obama, now has full legal president to conduct a full inquest as he has noted the federal government did not stop him in that trial, so this legally now concludes that Pastor Manning has standing in legal jurisdiction and can indeed conduct a legal inquest into the murder of Donald Young and provide a list of known associates and their relationships with him.

Pastor Manning is the only person now uniquely qualified to initiate this inquest. It is what liberals were demanding for Mr. Bush. Therefore it is the medicine which is deemed acceptable to them to investigate the facts of Mr. Obama's sexual associates murder in Donald Young.


PS: When liberals are calling you crazy, it is time in Al Sharpton's format to make a bigger footprint, because the NeoProgs have lost and it is time to press the issue.

Paul Krugman calls for an Inquest