Sunday, May 16, 2010


I have a fascination with the Catholic oracles, because some are remarkable in detail and how certain ones overlap. While I stand upon proven Biblical prophecy, I examine these renditions in their meaning from a scientific perspective in the insights they provide.

Two which are interesting are Johannes Fried and Abess Hildegard or the Sybil. Monk Fried was Austrian from the period of the 1200's and Hildegard was of the year 1100 period. So these are old prophecies which have touched on a number of things and were well known.

What catches my attention are repetitions in revolutions in France in various seers, and a common theme of the Lily returning to the throne of France to rule in peace. I honestly do not know if this speaks of the Christ, but the lily is the royal symbol of the Reubenites. It was what was so telling when the Maid of Orleans, the beloved savior of France in Jennette or Joan D'Arc was bestowed on her crest by the King of France the lily and her title was Joan D'Arc du lis.
The du lis is the lily, she was of this White Lily.

The Monk speaks of the 3 days of darkness which is Biblical, but adds an ash covers the earth after this event, which actually is a sort of fertilizer which makes the earth bloom for the survivors.
This is most interesting to me as lightning, nuclear bombs and snow all release nitrogen which fertilizes plants. Volcanic ash also provides great amounts of nutrients in eruptions. How this ties in is what Hildegard goes into detail in, in her visions she relates that the comet which is Biblical passes by earth and pulls oceans onto land, which is what a near pass in gravity would do, as well if it skipped the earth's atmosphere it in theory would fry enough of it to release this nitrogen making it a natural fertilizer.
It could also be in this a combination of things, including volcanic ash too as this type of force would cause the earth to strain at it's core.

The Monk might provide a clue of sorts in his vision to the comet event as he speaks of the nebula or cloud of the Greater Bear, which is surmised the Big Dipper passes close to earth and is the cause of the darkness which grows more intense.
He then speaks of light coming from Orion by Jupiter which will dissolve the Big Dipper cloud with the force of this light.

It becomes complicated in attempting explanations which can note Christ is the Constellation Hunter Orion in God's Handiwork, as well as the ancient texts speak of a supplanting event long ago involving Jupiter, but somewhere in this it seems to indicate that a force from Orion will arrive or perhaps when Jupiter is in Orion, and that planets gravitational pull will dissipates the cloud of the Big Dipper or arriving from that region in space.

The real depths in this though come from Hildegard in her quite exact definitions of the anti Christ in specifics. She states his mother was involved in the occult in a desert region and literally he was conceived in an orgy, as she does not know who the father really is, but like the Christ, claims the same miracle.
This anti Christ will actually submit his followers to kill him, and he will become alive again according to Hildegard.

This creature of satan is a worker of the witchcraft arts like the Egyptians in recreating the miracles God wrought through Moses in creating rainbows, restoring forests, drying up streams, making mountains tumble. making people sick and well to bringing the dead to life by channeling departed souls into the cadavers.
With signs like that, it is as Christ stated this son of perdition could fool the very Elect if possible.

As I have stated previously, Obama for his blasphemy is a piker, a joke, compared to the anti Christ he is a precursor event for.

Of course none of this makes any difference in Christian Faith as Christ is the Key to Redemption, but I find these recordings fascinating in Hildegard defines the Two Witnesses of Revelation as Enoch and Elijah who satan murders in Jerusalem, and they too have miracles to refute the anti Christ.
Of course, these are not thee Enoch and Elijah as Jesus noted that the prophesied Elijah preparing His Way was John the Baptist. It is interesting the types of the Spiritual Elect God has chosen for a coming moment in the future.

In the bits and pieces assembled one can deduce an analogy which fills in the voids of silence which permeate these ether regions of thought not yet revealed.

There are so many fascinating facets in this, but that should suffice enough to ponder for now.

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