Sunday, May 16, 2010

You have the right to wear X ray Specs

These Obamites can say, do and do and say anything and nothing matters. The danger for Americans in this is that this staged Clintonesque degrading of the American mindset is not occurring just in Obama sexness, but in the National Security Spectrum.

When a nation is so bastardized and desensitized that it no longer reacts in calling for resignations of officials who protect and harbor terrorists, then that nation has been so mindwashed that the literal enemies are the cancer called cure in that state.

The latest example of this is the pardon master, Eric Holder, who rushing in to demand terrorists sent by Pakistan intelligence to keep Mr. Obama a broker with his thumb favoring the Pakistani scales was out in Congressional testimony by Republican Ted Poe as he wondered how on earth Eric Holder could be non stop jabbering about "unConstitutionality" of the Arizona protecting American Borders Law, when Mr. Holder admitted he had not read the law.

Holder admitted his judgments had been formed in listening to what was on television and in newspapers. From what the Washington Post in Dana Milbank was saying in smearing Arizona as racist, it appears that Holder's sources have not bothered to read the law, but are too basing their judgments on what others are saying.

Is not that thee most idiotic Catch 22 of the idiotry? The liberal press is quoting Holder who is quoting them, and none of them have bothered to actually read the Arizona Law.

As Mark Levin quoted himself in stating in working for an Attorney General's Office, his boss would never have once gone before cameras, the press, Congress or the Public in making such an asinine statement in being not informed and using hearsay to spread Obama propaganda about a political objective.

All of this points to what is so corrupted about the American psyche as it has been raped by deliberate Tavistock degradation in using landmark televised programming to so warp reality that Playboy is now deemed tame and America just installed a British subject who was smoking a joint in a photo and it never even was an issue.
It was just Bill Clinton in smoking but not inhaling not two decades ago in which the press hounded "character does not matter" which was the last pelvis thrust which impregnated America as a bastard deviate nation.
A decade later John Kerry would smirk on stage huffing a joint to which democrats jeered in delight.

America is now filled with millions of creatures who are amoral, millions of creatures who are immoral and millions of Citizens who are a God moral group who recoil in this Sodom that raping of Angels is horrendous, but still have been soiled enough to think offering up their daughters to a rape mob as an alternative to extreme deviancy.

For Eric Holder's part in the Blagojevich scandal he should have been indicted and removed from office the moment Patrick Fitzgerald was awarded head of US Attorneys for not indicting Obama, Jarrett and Emmanuel.

Eric Holder should have been fired for his continuous coddling of terrorists in setting them free, bribing Island Nations at one million dollars a head of American taxpayer money to take them in, putting on Gitmo trials in New York, importing terrorists to Illinois and awarding American rights to terrorists set on mass murder of Americans.

Eric Holder in setting up the Hutatree group in using an operative to charge the group of crimes the Judge in the case scolded the US Attorney in not having any evidence, should have been indicted on conspiracy fraud charges.

Eric Holder in his latest bid at being an illegal nuisance admitted before Congress he is a political whore propaganda tool of the elite leftists in championing Mexican slave labor for the cartels which support Obama out of Chicago and is by his actions promoting sedition against these United States.
Those are Constitutional violations and except for the Washington Times, no one in the puppy press humping Obama's leg or the amoral and immoral Obamite public is alert to this at all.

This group is dazed and confused. They no longer have within them human sensibility. They follow an Eric Holder into the Obama abyss who does not wear rose colored glasses, but his own brand of toxic x ray specs which Jews are about to find out in state sponsored terrorism is going to give them radiation poisoning as America waits it's own dose in a city yet to be chosen by Obama's "good" terrorists.
