Thursday, May 27, 2010

Prime MiniSTAR Obama

Yes siree bobwheat, Prime MiniSTAR Obama is on his oil slick. Over a month and he wades in and says he has a nuclear scientist on it, has put a Admiral dictator on it...........yes Obama put a military shogun on top of BP and stated that whatever the Admiral orders BP to do, they have to do it without any Rights.

Maybe he should try to order Sheik bin Laden around and other terrorists as what is good for a corporation certainly is great for terrorists.

Wow and Obama actually was talking to the Gulf Governors, but somehow he can't find a way to phone the Governors of Arizona and Texas concerning border busters.

Obama now has what he has always wanted in he has dictated in shutting down all oil exploration and drilling off these United States now.
Talk about a halo in Obama's dirty oil cloud lining.

Yes, this disaster according to Obama is a wake up call to pass his agenda, for a clean energy economy.
What in the heck is that? Energy can not be produced without something burning or something being polluted.

But do not worry, Obama is on this after a month, appointing dictators and driving on his make use of a crisis for his policies.

Obama was on this, in his highest priority.......meeting with Bono's wife, going on vacation, doing fundraisers........but be assured Obama has been having more meetings on this than, the ECONOMY, NUCLEAR IRAN, ISRAELI GENOCIDE and THE WAR ON TERRORISM.

Americans can rest assured Bongo Obama is beating on his drum, having parties, ignoring North Korea, but he is busy taking charge of the oil slick he created and spread.

Just imagine if Obama had not been on top of this?

Why the Gulf would have probably been nothing but crude oil from top to bottom. Now wouldn't that have been a disaster?

Wait a minute................

If Obama working on this created .......with the help of the Mike Mullen and Robert Gates WHO ARE NOT EVEN SKILLED IN GEOLOGY,............a spill the size of New York State.

So if Obama had not been involved this might have been 30 times larger which means the Gulf would have been full of oil and syphons could have just gone along and solved all of America's oil energy problems.

That seems odd in Obama is taking credit of creating a disaster when if he would have left it alone, he would have had all of America's energy needs solved.

If that sounds far fetched, it is just as far feteched as Obama taking credit for being on top of something he has not even bothered to PHONE THE FAMILIES OF THE DEAD WHO WERE MURDERED ON THIS RIG.

But Obama is making his second trip to Naps Napolitano's ocean, he is probably as messiah going to walk on the water, say, "Let there be wine" and there will be a big orgy down on the Gulf instead of all that pollution.

Yes here I am still waiting for the miracles Obama is capable of in being a deity according to his Obamites.

The important thing though Jake Tapper is only what Obama says, and not your questions showing Obama is a liar. Obama is learning in progress. This is his first time in destroying America and his first time in polluting the Republican led south in destroying it.
So Jake Tapper, just give the Zero a break. Man buddy ro, this Obama can not vacation, party and spill oil all at the same time.
He needs ABC to keep his Pretty Peking Girl image.

That White House press corp is priceless. They all are now scowling, look like Obama turned the heat up and is sweating them, and, they all got those crusty Obama panties on chafing at their genitals.

Oh and Mr. Obama, this is not an OIL SPILL as you keep stating like the moron you are. Oil spills out of ships or tanker trucks.

This is a created ecological disaster, deliberately dithered by you, and compounded by your lies that this is a a gas gusher pushing crude oil out of a ruptured pipe.

This is you Mr. Prime Minister. Your response is as 3rd world as all you are accomplishing.

Thanks though Birdie of having a press conference as you now are exposed for the buffoon you are.

Oh and I am sure that you are not calling off your Memorial Day Vacation, fundraisers and Paul McCartney concert are you Mr. "on top of this" Obama.

Americans, this is they guy you think can handle your health care. He can't even handle an oil well in polluting the Gulf as it is not polluting as much as Obama would like.

35% of the Obama dolts though still approve of Obama handling this. Bravo for them as Joy Behar is still masturbating by bashing Dick Cheney.

Let us not forget this is George W. Bush's fault...........even if Obama kept the cozy relationships, including turning loose Libyan mass murderers for oil contracts and having Interior folks watching porn..........something about, Obama, oil and a big derrick.


Pssst: Did you notice out of the Obama oil well that is gushing that there is in BP footage, yellow, red and brown stuff coming out of the same pipe?
Crude is black or greenish when high grade. Shhhh you are not supposed to notice that.

Double Psst: Did you see that blow fly on Obama as he was answering the New York Times hottie, crawling around on his collar? Talk about yuckers.

What kind of a bad Obama omen is that kiddies?


Triple Pssst: Obama is a damn liar. Deep sea oil wells are deep because liberals won't allow close shore drilling.
The easy oil has not been pumped in America. There is more oil in Alaska than Saudi Arabia. Oklahoma, Texas and Utah have easy access oil.
In fact North Dakota is sinking 100 new wells in the coming months.

Last time I checked, America is not 1 mile under the ocean. It is just being sunk to the depths of the Obama abyss.

nuff said