Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Dufe in Dufus

"Wall I ah see those birds, ah flyin' around with oil on their feathers"

Barack Hussein Obama - May 27, 2010
White House Press Conference

As no one caught that statement by B. Hussein Obama, I just had to feature it as it was around the time FOX News finally got to ask the one good series of questions on Obama crimes, because it reveals just how absolutely stupid Barry Obama is.

He can not think. His mind does not process a thing. There has not been footage in the Gulf Oil Gusher of multitudes of birds even featured on television. Yet Obama comes up with some fiction about Gulf birds flying around with oil on their feathers.
So I decided to show what a bird looks like that Obama apparently thinks he saw, because these birds do not fly around as they can not.

How vacuous do you have to be to make up a story like Obama did? Obama vacuous. Obama has not seen on bird flying around with oil on it's feathers, because no photo journalists would be able to take photos like that.

Obama then followed up with his "folks" comment in his fiction of the Gulf in a statement about "those wetlands and the ah fishing there".

This is Ghetto Green Obama in the perfect definition of a city boy going environmental and not comprehending that birds covered in oil can not fly and not having a clue what a wetland is.

A wetland is a shallow body of water. That is why it is called a WET LAND, because it is not a lake or an ocean as there is not that much water there.
A wetland is a swamp or marsh. They grow some plants, but their main feature is they filter natural sewage and are wonderful bug producers, as in mosquitoes which feed baby waterfowl.

A wetland is an incubation womb for some species of fish to spawn and the fry to feed on insects to grow, as bugs are high in protein and grow animals best.
It is why Americans are large in they eat meat, and vegetarian soybean Japanese are small.

Wetlands can be harnessed to grow crawfish, but for the most part no one goes fishing in a wetland as they are full of weeds, brush and alligators which all are things which snag nets and fishing lures.

Any neophyte would know this, but Mr. Obama is completely clueless and this is the fella who is lecturing Americans and implementing "green" measures, which have been an absolute disaster in his batteries and wind plants.
North Dakota without one dollar of federal taxpayers funding a well, has created millions of dollars of wealth and energy for America in drilling baby oil wells. That is the difference between pro energy and Obama Ghetto Green environmentalism which literally created thee worst ecological disaster in American history.

Obama lectures everyone, but when he opens his mouth the void between comprehending just what wildlife and nature is, he is absolutely clueless.

At least liberal pervert Kevin Costner is trying to suck up the oil down in the Gulf, but it is still trying as dictator Obama has not allowed Costner's centrifuges to be set loose sucking up oil.

It is probably, because some Obama czar thinks a shrimp will be harmed by the water vacuums.

Obama puts the Dufe in Dufus.
