Thursday, May 20, 2010

Salahigate Salahigate My Condom for a Salahigate

It certainly is a downer for B. Hussein Obama in the top stories are a parade of Obama running from old white guy Arlen Specter, after Obama tried to bribe his opponent to get out of the race.

Then there is Jeremiah Wright stating that Obama did indeed toss him under the bus and this blog notes that Obama gassed the rest of blackness under the tar he feathered them as he Birdied his way to cherry pie.

Worse yet, Nancy Pelosi and her crew are insane from botox injections in they believe she will become more powerful in loosing. Well unless she is a Nazi in hiding from 1945 with German IG Farben funds, Ms. Pelosi is a 70 year old spinster with wool for brains to match.

The worst though is the telling poignant story of the Washington insiders, innocent in Muslim mafia name, the Salahi's in Michaele and Tareq, the man who prostituted his aging blonde wife and the wife who actually gave Obama his first blushing hand sex in public..........and they have had their reputations ruined by Obama Inc.

The worstest of this is the lovely Mrs. Salahi revealed that "someone" sent to her home a used condom after all of this.

Now this blog will note that a certain Muslim on a jet at Christmas loaded up his condom with explosives. That this condom bomber was given American protection by Eric Holder. Mr. Obama would not even address this condom issue. Naps Napolitano said the condom security worked just fine and...........well those PAK intel operatives were guiding this condom to fulfill it's mission and Obama protected them and released them.

So..... in noting this condom issue is Obama oriented, it does beg the question if this condom sent the lovely Mrs. Salahi was in fact her Monica Lewinsky blue stained dress moment.

Yes sports fans, was this condom indeed a little token of the man play thing of Barack Hussein Obama in appreciation of the hand sex?
Was this indeed Obama playing first date cool in we know the community organizer took Michelle on a first date to get all sweated up at a meeting, so was this just a sweated up condom after meeting the lovely Mrs. Salahi and Obama was just inviting her over for a new round of body unctions?

Perhaps this is the condom to reveal all the Salahi's financial dreams in an ebay auction?
Perhaps this was Obama as a sperm donor looking to be a daddy in 9 months through Obamaficial insemination?
Perhaps this condom under a Woody Allen microscope would find little ACORN sperms voting for the white Obama sperms to be fathers of nations while the tan Arab sperms in Obama are providing the Muslim mafia money.

This blog could see Court TV, Discovery Channel, ET and Dancing with the stars seasons, with a new American Idol sure to please in Obama's sperms singing to the oldies as Simon scowls and Ellen waxes motherly wondering if she could too be a mother of an Obamanation.

One can understand Mrs. Salahi's disgust at the Obama calling card, considering so many Obama voters were threatening this insider couple, but if the Salahi's would learn to speak Obama they probably would be as flattered as anyone in having David Letterman was making jokes about raping their children and impregnating them, providing of course they were liberals.

I certainly could provide Mrs. Salahi some probing, in depth, undercover revelations of the world she has jumped into bed with to educate and protect her, as obviously in all of this is she is just a virginal nymph unaware of the coitus maximus she has exposed herself to.

It though has been a rough time for the condom associate in B. Hussein Obama. He has to run from Specter. His Reverend is telling the world what Obama did to a black man. Pelosi is nuts and now the lovely Mrs. Salahi is demanding an apology from these Democrats who besmirched her reputation.

All keen Obama supporters and now all revealing the facts about B. Hussein Obama in how he harms those who love him and how those who love him go sex disease insane like Nance Pelosi.

Oh my will Ann Coulter and Noel Sheppard be having their own venereal malfunction shortly or did they sniff the condom Obama sent to intoxicating delights and will be experiencing motherhood in 9 months.



Salahigate: My Obamadom for a Condom

Obama steers clear of shaky Specter

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: 'Obama threw me under the bus'...