I have always counselled that one rides the mule in a horse race you have as that is all you have.
Rod Blagojevich is the mule of the moment of the right to beat Obama in this three legged race. Supporting Rod Blagojevich's efforts means a weakening of Obama and for America's future, that is an outcome every Patriot must work for.
I would never vote for Gov. Blagojevich as he is a Democrat. I have though stated from the beginning that the Governor was only doing what Obama has done in volumes and if Rod is guilty so is Barack.
The Obama regime has destroyed a number of Democrats who did not bow low enough to him. What the Blagojevich family has been put through is pure terrorism as they are on Obama's enemy of the state list.
The lovely Patti, was from a new job helping poor people, all because of what Obama and Fitzgerald pulled on her husband. That is not right and the things she has had to put up with is ridiculous.
If one notices though, Patti Blagojevich has had leaked her outburst using the F words in supporting her husband, but the rumor has it that the remarks of her husband speaking of Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama engaged in gay sex.
Yes that is being withheld from he Blagojevich trial, but anything to smear Patti Blagojevich is acceptable from the Obama regime.
I really appreciate a Lady like Patti Blagojevich, because she is strong, a Mother, a Wife, she supports her husband, and today she took this blogs suggestion in showing up at trial, and spoke of her husband being innocent, while looking all Playboy Centerfold.
That is my American girl at work and I celebrate how Mr. and Mrs. Blagojevich with their fine legal defense team is kicking the hell out of Obama, Holder and Fitzgerald in this trial stacked against them.
If Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had Patti Blagojevich as a wife, they would have behaved, amounted to something and not been impeachable. Patti though would not have anything to do with trash and refuse like Bill and Barack.
I hope thee absolute best for the Blagojevich's in their jousting with Obama, because they can indeed tar ball Obama in Illinois the way Obama is tar balling the GOP Gulf Coast. This trial is stacked against them and the Judge has already protected Obama when that crook should have been hauled before the court to be questioned.
Obama wanted to punish the Blagojevichs for daring not to obey him. Like the fool Obama is, he should have settled this and made it all go away.
If those 500 hours of tapes are there bringing in all the gay gossip of the Obama regime, the Blagojevich lawyers need to cleverly bring this in AS SEX GREASES THE WHEELS OF CHICAGO POLITICS, and once that undercurrent of gossip gets introduced then what this blog counselled will take place in suffering Rod, the beautiful besieged Patti, and the cherub children will be on one side, and Chicago panseys using old white guys to service them, black gay guys to serve them, while their suffering wives in Mrs. Barack and Mrs. Rahm are exposed to gay diseases and their children are left as orphans, because daddy couldn't plug the damn hole.
Put that on trial and the Blagojevich family is going to win.
Put it on trial in what really is happening in Patrick Fitzgerald, Joe Sestak, Speaker Romanoff and Tim Johnson, all taking bribes from Obama, as this all links now in Obama and Fitzgerald getting a job at Justice and the Court will uncover in process all of the Obama crimes for his immediate removal.
So it is now played out perfectly in impish Rod Blagojevich doing reality television, appearing on Letterman where Obama will not go now in spurning Letterman, and next to him is the gorgeous American Lady, Patti Blagojevich sending the perfect message of the martyred wife who all men desire their women to be, and who all women desire to be like as American women like the fight as it is in their blood.
That Patricia Blagojevich is the real deal. She is one good soldier and the kind of woman that any man yearns to watch his back.
Even in a stacked fight against the Blagojevich's I still would put money on them as Patti from Chicago is a Midwestern gal who is more than any match for those Obama regime dandies.
Game Changers