Thursday, June 3, 2010

Great Guy Obama

Sir Paul McCartney, British subject, like Bearick Hussein Obama, British subject, has ordered Americans to quit criticizing Obama, as "Obama is a great guy".

Sir Paul McCartney, British subject, dictating to Americans, like gay Elton John rants at Americans, states that he will be nervous in performing in front of halo head.

I was reviewing Paul McCartney's accomplishments in life and they boiled down to writing 4 bar juvenile tunes of stolen American Blues, and as Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys noted, "Not that complicated", in other words, the Beatles music appealed to the ignorant masses.

Mr. McCartney seems to have achieved being a dope head, his dead wife Linda was a wack job vegetarian peddling tofu burgers in Minnesota, before she got cancer and died, then Paul married that one legged lunatic shrew who screwed him out of a fortune, and all of this was funded by Americans.

I personally would like to see Paul McCartney take Elvis Costello and go crawl back into that Muslim socialist, high tax enclave called England and pull in the hole behind him.

How dare this British geriatric twit come to America's White House and stand there like the Mexican el presidente bashing Americans, in making the rude remark, "It is good to have a President who know what a library is."

And who would be that you Liverpool lemming? Obama is undocumented and is not legitimate as a President.
Obama if one reads his papers and his wife's thoughts, they are illiterate, and both are defined as smoking dope up in their libraries.

He has no class and no RIGHT to come to America and order Americans fighting for their nation to stop bringing down a Saulite tyrant who just polluted the biggest gulf in the world.

For the record, so we know what Paul McCartney really stands for:

1. Sir Paul likes blowing up Muslims.
2. Sir Paul enjoys bashing Jews.
3. Sir Paul revels in Americans being in Obama debt.
4. Sir Paul craves an America open to nuclear attacks.
5. Sir Paul yearns for eastern Europe enslaved again.
6. Sir Paul loves tar balls ruining GOP states.
7. Sir Paul prefers stupid women named Muchelle who look like a horse.
8. Sir Paul gets a tingle about attacking fat children.
9. Sir Paul gets a tangle about making fun of Special Olympics Children.
10. Sir Paul hates Veterans being honored and prefers Obama vacations.

One last suggestion is Elvis Costello, Elton John, and Sir Paul take Obama into their Marxist hole and they can Hitler bunker plot to do what with Jews, as they enslave lesser peoples and make war on America, as that is all this ilk of Obama is lustfully lecturing at Americans about.


FU Sir Paul

Tar ball FU Sir Paul

*Note: Tarballs: This term as defined here and utilized here is revealed as sodomite males of the Obama group in engaging in anal sex, often pack feces into their urinal tract, and thereby can not urinate, and must visit an emergency room to have the human feces extricated.

So for Anderson Cooper's leanings and Rachel Maddow learnings in besmirching Tea Dunkers, it is fitting to use the Obama Gusher deliberate polluting of the Gulf GOP States with tar balls to utilize the term tar balls , tar balling and tar balled for this Obamite crowd.

Just an amusing homosexual term the Obamalings have not figured out yet and will puzzle over.