I listen to folks who complain that an enabler like Campbell Brown leaves CNN as she complains about ratings and the right of FOX and the left of the rest of the media monopoly.
This group tries to paint this as polarized, but ask yourself why the globalists chose to gear this Civil War in America to be based in things which no American from 1850 would ever introduced as legislation, no President would have ever championed or no Court would have ever upheld?
1. Aborticide, the literal destruction of the next generation of the American race.
2. Amnesty, the replacement of Americans with foreigners.
3. Redistribution of wealth, in the legalized theft of BP earnings to a world of claimants.
4. Rationed death in dictating to Americans how they spend their money.
This is not political spectrum. This is the stuff of Sodom and Gomorrah in rebellion against an order of life for one of genocidal elimination of a people from within. This is the stuff of the end of empires called Rome from cannibalizing itself.
This is called iniquity or sin. Every nation from Israel, Hamarrabi's Code to English Law codified as the Constitution did protection mechanisms which protected those who worked, provided within reason the infirmed within society, all for securing these blessing of liberty for ourselves, our children and our children's children.
That is the only reason for a nation to exist and that is to make certain the products produced are inherited by a like race people, so that successful race carries on the genes of the forebearers.
What Barack Obama is accomplishing is the extermination of thee God sown American race. That is what change means, that is what every policy he has in place will bring out, for it is genocide of Americans after robbing them, as certain as if you were a shrimp being bathed in the deliberate sabotage of the Obama Gulf Gusher.
Could you imagine George Washington dicating that Americans would be replaced by Spaniards, that Americans homes would be owned by Chinese, that your grandparents and children were to be slaughtered as decided by the state and that anyone against this genocide would be put on a terror watch list.
That is exactly what Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi have implemented. This is the thing of empires and feudalism, where dictators took conquerred peoples and used them as wool for the loom, as they ceased to be people.
This is deliberate by Mr. Obama and it is in his list of orders which are as well planned and initiated as the Patriot Act showing up after 9 11 for passage, and no one in Government had anything to do with writing it.
Those who wrote the Obama Papers are enemies of the American Nation and People. This is nothing to debate as Americans slaughtered in wars not their own in Vietnam, Bill Gates bragging that vaccines is how this group murders people when they are not using aborticide to exterminate races, is all part of a well planned agenda, just like "cancer cures" ebb and flow due to people stopping being poisoned in knowing treatment does not work, and then all of a sudden here comes all these cured people to steer the masses again to be bilked of their funds.
This is pure evil and that is why there is not a side in this, but only right and wrong. Either an activity and law protects American society, which is there to secure this land for a new generation, or it is a cancer destroying that future.
Everything Obama has implemented destroys the American future. There is no debate point in this, even though the sociopaths who are bent on suicide of the American people by regime try to make this an issue of "rights".
Rights end when they initiate murder of a nation and a people.
The Obama Papers which he reads as his every day instruction are not rights, but are a heinous homicide of America.
It is past time the definitions are called good and evil, black and white and the choice between life and death.
This is America's defining moment.