I have in my mind pictured the footage of President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan in the coming home of United States War Dead with their families at a Memorial.
The reason for bringing this up to set the stage in how horrid the press was ready to crucify Reagan for deploying Soldiers who died, and then in hope for this volatile situation of families to have one start screaming at Reagan.
What I witnessed is something that has always stuck me as a most profound moment, as one could see the absolute anguish in this military families and they just wanted to vent those emotions, but as the President and Nancy approached them and went down the line, hugging them and speaking words to console the wives and children, the families literally went limp as President Reagan somehow connected with them, and in empathy healed their pain.
It was the most remarkable thing I had ever witnessed and not thought possible, but Ronald Reagan, movie star, cowboy, feel good American was able to transcend the euphoria and become Ronald Reagan national healer.
Presidents have moments which either they connect with the public or that connection is forever broken. For all his faults, Lyndon Johnson has always been one of my sympathetic favorites as all he ever really wanted to do was stop poverty as he was once poor. He was not trying to change nor bankrupt America. He was just trying to win a war in Vietnam, but he was not able to ever connect with the American dope protesters and he never figured out how Nixon did in connecting with the Silent Majority.
That is what confounded liberals when Richard Nixon did that lines went for blocks just waiting to pay their respects to Richard Nixon, as he honestly in all things connected with Americans, even those shallow people who hated him.
Jimmy Carter was a good natured person, but his lack of character could not allow him to admit he was a screw up, so he blamed Americans, and the majority forever abandoned him and he has been chasing them trying to be loved ever since.
Bill Clinton was just a scamp. Reagan had brought prosperity and Newt Gingrich gave him the legislation America wanted, so everything Clinton did, he could feel people's pain, but he never faced anything where America really had to deal with judging him on what mattered.
George W. Bush Bush had one defining moment when he was in New York after 9 11 and telling Americans, "I hear you and soon the terrorists will hear you."
Bush was smeared horridly, but a regretful America is dealing with that guilt in piling on. I do not know if Bush will ever be treated fairly by liberal historians, but he was the best war President on merit in US history. He did things right, save the world from depression and played an impossible hand out well.
In noting all of the above leaders, one notes that the successful ones had a God given moment which fused them to Americans forever.
If B. Hussein Obama, had Bill Clinton's good economics from Reagan, or if Obama had simply not strangled the US economy which Bush stabilized in 2009, Obama's poll numbers would be still 70% as Americans would have decided they could have afforded it even if they could not.
What matters in this is Obama debt, and his parties, and his entire disconnect with Americans.
It is termed being cool, unemotional or aloofness, but what is is Obama is an abandoned psychological 10 year old child. Obama does well eating burgers with Medvedev disarming America in more Russian bribery, but he just does not comprehend Florida tar ball beaches.
Obama is a movie poster, a Marlon Brando in leather, riding a bike and smoking a cig with no lines. The image sells as cool, when you need a Reagan to embrace a nation, there is nothing in Obama to connect with America as he is a social retard.
That part of Obama was retarded as a child. He has no empathy if it does not connect with him.
That is why his speeches are all "I, ME, MINE".
Obama would be wonderful if some nation abandoned 1 million children as he could relate. Obama though was never a war child nor got oil on his skin, so he can not relate to reality.
Barack Hussein Obama does not have the emotional tools inside him to connect with Americans nor to stage Bill Clinton moment.
We have seen him become foul mouthed profane and he looks perverted. Obama tries to kick ass in McChrystal and he looks uncertain in the situation he put Soldiers in Afnamistan.
Obama can be a chameleon up close with people in fooling them like Ted Bundy that he can feel their pain. He mirrors emotion and words like a mentalist does to con people. That though can not be transferred to large numbers of people like Reagan or Bush 43 were capable of.
So in that Obama is as one dimensional as a movie poster or the old wooden Indian at a cigar store. Obama can not connect. Obama can not like Kawliga sung by Charlie Pride, that poor old wooden head.
The fraud Obama is would have been fine if America was at peace and had plenty of money as then Obama would be like the pedophile handing out candy to the kids looking charming, but with endless disasters and Obama turning them into catastrophes for his political image and agenda, Obama misses the one thing he needs, and that is a heart.
Obama can not send out his wife to rebuild his image, as Muchelle is this obnoxious, ugly and completely stupid racist who can receive adoration from Paul McCartney liberals, but she has nothing in common with Americans as she dislikes them.
So Obama sending her out would make America cringe, and her disappearing will not raise his numbers as Hillary disappearing did, as Americans are glad she is gone and now want Obama voted out of office.
Obama sends out the children and his plug the damn hole, and he looks Jimmy Carter dunce again.
There is absolutely no way out of this. Obama is an idiot savant without the Rainman brilliant part. He is autistic in the sense he can not connect with humans. He is a sociopath and there is nothing he can employ to overcome it.
Obama and his puppy press tried hard in creating an image in the endless Obama fiction of books and talking points about him, but Americans have seen him enough presently that they are not going to be fooled.
America's guard is up...........and where does Obama take Medvedev? Why Ray's HELL BURGER.
Talk about another Obama omen of absolute stupidity.
and Joe Klein still thinks this guy is smart.
Poor old Kawliga
He never got a kiss
Poor old Kawliga
He don't know what he missed
Ain't it any wonder that your face is red
Kawliga that poor old wooden head
Hank Williams & Fred Rose