Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Obama Scene of the Crime

B. Hussein Obama is now working with Islamists for the destruction of the State of Israel. This blog warned that a nuclear confrontation was going to occur sooner or later and now it is simmering beyond Iran.

B. Hussein Obama could have diffused this entire situation by sending in C-130 transports and pressuring Turkey not to send this flotilla into confront the Jews. Instead he signed off on this covert Islamic operation, and now it has nuclear Israel pitted against nuclear Turkey.

As this blog warned, the Jews might now face the Turkish Navy as it attempts to run the terrorist blockade into Gaza.
Egypt has currently opened the border into Gaza creating an immense insurrection zone as Islamists inflame this situation.

The Jews can not allow any of this to take place and if a Turkish action does take place, Mr. Obama has just destroyed NATO, and it is past time that Ed Koch and the liberal Jews figure out that their Mr. Obama now has an American nuclear armed Turkish Islamic state facing American ally of Israel with nuclear arms.
When the Jews are forced to fire upon the Turkish military as they were forced by this first flotilla mob of Islamists, then NATO treaties kick in and B. Hussein Obama with all NATO will be a war with Jews and be forced to respond in their destruction.

Does not anyone get the holocaust point in this besides what has been warned here, not just for Jews, but for the Philistines in Gaza?

One move now by Islamist Turkey will invoke Hezbollah, Hamas, ignite to Syria and Iran, in a Jewish state facing massive insurrection within it's borders, terror attacks on the north from Lebanon, Syria bombardments with Turkish NATO forces, and Barack Hussein Obama using American created bases in the Israeli state to kill Jews on their very own soil.

Is the warning registering in what Obama has done? Does the point made hidden in the blogs here over Obama's Gulf Gusher that he will kill a few Jews to deflect the spotlight off of him start to be comprehended?

This is a deliberately created disaster by B. Hussein Obama with the French in on this with all those other harpies in Europe and the Jews are the target, and when the Jews start dying, the Jews will use nuclear weapons to survive and the entire region is going to have a great number of dead Muslims.

Obama is showing Jews the sole of his foot, Muslims are cutting the vein of their own jugular and Obama's seal is on the nuclear holocaust he has just created.

Who but B. Hussein Obama could usher in the anti Christ as an answer man, in setting up a scenario where Obama has pitted NATO and America, by Turkey against the Jewish nation?

The Ed Koch's of the world had better start having the Obama green kool aid wear off fast as no one but this blog has explained what has just been initiated.
