Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Obama's Gulf Oil River

There have been confirmed reports of a strange oil river flowing a short distance off the Obama Gusher.

Some believe this is a secondary blow out of the Obama pipeline below the surface. The logic is logical, but a cracked pipe or even one with a blow out in it is difficult to link to a river of oil being forced up through the bedrock in this volume as there is only so much room in a pipe for oil and gas.

In working with the known factors, we have the fact this is a high pressure natural gas well which mirrors the gushers which were infamous in Texas in the boom days.
Texas in these high pressure wells would then be a mirror of the type of energy wells which the earth generates in this part of the earth.
This is a unique area of the world in the earth in creating natural gas, methane ice and crude oil, has an American shelf which produces energy under pressure.

This can be noted in the California tar pits, which is nothing more than earth generating crude oil and it being forced to the surface, but unlike the Yellowstone geysers.

That must be a starting point in the Yellowstone caldera, for while that is magma generated steam heat causing a pressure well, the Texas Gulf region produces hydrocarbons in types of oil aquifers which due to bedrock shifts place these energy wells under huge pressure causing them to gush when a hole is drilled into them.

As an exclusive only found here, I have for years noted that the earth is consuming huge amounts of carbon and water out of the atmosphere and in earth forces been storing them as crude oil, methane ice and natural gas.
This is a definite conclusion why the earth has changed with people not living to Biblical ages of almost a 1000 years and creatures not being of giant size stature any longer, as the high humidity and higher oxygen levels produced a more perfect greenhouse for all earth life to grow in.
The is a several thousand year shift in phenomena in the planet did change from what God created, to what it is now in being a drier less habitual planet.

The point was in the analysis was humans as part of the natural scheme should be releasing more hydrocarbons back into nature to replenish it, by burning them.

Ask yourself the simplest of questions in you eat volumes of carbohydrates and legumes if your intestines do not produce volumes of gas.
This fact while hitting too close to home, is what earth is naturally doing with manufacturing crude oil and natural gas, as what has been noted in the Texas area.
While the axis rotation of the earth as it tunes to the Constellations in ley lines, human chaos are a part of the earthquake manifestation as much as demonic chaos, it is within conclusions to note that the deep earth quakes which jolted Haiti could be part of this same system which causes increased pressure on the American plate as it is twisted, and could be a factor in symbiosis in what is caused the increase pressure on the Obama gusher, and the Obama gusher is creating it's own pressure due to this gusher being like an aneurysm now exploding and killing the Gulf.

This might be the symbiosis in this, in that huge pool of natural gas, and methane ice which has been releasing into the Gulf, literally killing vast zones of habitat is the body of the earth in flatulence.
This Texas zone is highly productive in producing energy, and it needs to be tapped, but when this Obama gusher was tapped, with design to pollute and dithering for disaster, a secondary situation might have occurred in there perhaps was a fault line running through this area, and all the earthquakes caused more stress, and like sticking a pin into an aneurysm, it literally blew out once the natural gas and crude started flowing through the pipe at high speed.

The leak is now is a current causing more erosion and the pressure has sought out a fissure to naturally release the pressure which has built up.

If this had not been a deliberate leak, with oil and gas simply regulated in a constant flow, the pipe stress and earth stress would have not caused this erosion where now a natural "spring" of crude is bubbling on the Gulf floor.

Where it is pretty in nature in being sparkling streams fed from the earth, it has become alarming when it is a river of oil flowing. This is not a California tar pits pool seeping to the surface under stress like a volcanic pool of hot sulfur water, but in the Gulf it is a flowing spring.

This all points to a proving of what was Inspired here, in the earth is under immense pressure, is literally sick, and it needs to have this oil and gas pumped out of these reservoirs or more earthquakes or these methane scorch zones driving fish and wildlife from those areas in the Gulf are going to increase.

There are no known records of these methane hot zones in history. This is a recent manifestation, and that being the case in observed data now, reveals that the Gulf has is under so much pressure that it is forcing plumes of these hydrocarbons through the sediments and rock fissures which is harming wildlife and a waste of resource.

This Obama Gusher is a high pressure well and it literally is not alleviating as the Texas oil gushers would do within this period of time. Saudi Arabia's original fields were shallow and the oil flowed cheaply out of those wells too, but never under Texas type pressure as the earth plates were different.

The cure for this are more wells to be drilled and volumes of this resource burned to both benefit the earth and to improve the standard of living of mankind.
It is proven that these high pressure wells are a danger. They especially are so when Obama politics are involved taking a known unstable environment and then blowing it up.

Mr. Obama has done nothing but lie about this situation. More drilling must be undertaken for earth, nature and humanities sake. The proof of this is this gusher which is the tip of an iceberg in revealing that the deep oil wells are in the places where all these deep earthquakes are resonating from revealing many forces are at work placing pressure on earth.
As mankind can not rule the stars, stop the earth from spinning, or control their demoniac perversions, the one outlet which is feasible is drilling and pumping out these high pressure earth aneurysms to to at least make the standard of living better for people, replenish the earth's atmosphere of oxygen and water, with the natural fertilizations of nitrogens and carbons, and hopefully reducing 8.0 magnitude superquakes to the survivable 6.5 quakes.

This is far too advanced for the scientists and pundits to comprehend in their flat world dogmas. I though know these to be the facts as this Columbus sails to a new world of understanding while the college boys are still rubbing their monkeys in their pants hoping the sun they pray too will not strike them down.

The earth has a larger pipeline to the surface in fissures now than the Obama Gusher.

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