Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Obama Stroke

Obama Woodless
Do not most men stuff things not in their pockets for show?
Lawrence Sinclair proven correct again.

Obama golfs for four hours in sweltering Heat

Please folks, our Obama works so hard that he deserves to stroke 9 holes in heat on the backside, as he is doing the job of 10 non messiah mortals.
How can any of us understand what goes on in his mind being we are just humans. He must be adored by Paul McCartney concerts weekly. He must burn more fuel in his jet and helo than farmers in entire states do.

I suspect the Nobel committee will be giving B. Hussein Obama another prize as he stood out in sweltering heat of 90 degrees for 4 hours........hey wait a minute, why is it Bridget Johnson (reporterette of The Hill story) never mentioned US Soldiers standing out in sweltering heat and cold for a year as Obama dithered??????

Well folks, Obama can't play with Rush Limbaugh, as Rush, has a wife to play with him now.

90 degrees? Sounds hotter than hell, maybe Obama is getting used to the temperatures.


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