Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obama's N Word

When I witness liberals like Marc Halperin calling Drudge Report readers as "racists" over Obama using the word ass in street ho talk, I wonder how it is the Obamites never see what a racist Obama is, and how people on the right make excuses for him in not being a racist, when this Chicago Indonesian elitist has been doing it all along in plain sight, like Tim Russert changing Reagan Blue States to "red states" as in REDNECKS.

I had been meaning to write about this for some months now, but have been distracted as the volume of information being posted here exclusively has now literally surpassed ALL MEDIA COMBINED NOW.
This blog has outperformed all print, radio,television, pulitzer and nobel in having more work accomplished through it than someone like Pat Buchanan will in four lifetimes.

As another exclusive found only here, I ask you people about something I have touched on, but will explain in detail here by God' Grace in, Why do you think Obama uses the word "folks" and always has on those wrinkled white shirts with sleeves rolled up when he goes out to the American hinterlands?

This is Obama using his N word for Americans in calling them folks and those wrinkled shirts are the sweat stained fabric of a people who are in the Obama harness serving the elite and are not bright enough to launder their own clothing correctly.

You really do not get it, but this is equal of David Duke putting on face paint and a ghetto green toga in going to Harlem and telling those n*ggers that he is going to kick ass.

The reality is Obama gets away with this racist garbage from Marc Halperin, because Halperin and his David Remnick are all like racists who are fixated on race in defining everything. People on the right never call Obama on it, as they do not comprehend things in race and could never figure out that Obama dresses up a like an Alabama Baptist in July visitin' the community while droppin' his "G"s in pulpit dialect.

Can you imagine John McCain talking ghetto and not being called out on it? When Bill Clinton did it in that "bright boy" he was hammered on it as that is exactly what he was doing, but at least Clinton wasn't chewin' on watermelon, spittin' seeds while barefoot singin' Need to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud.

Obama pulls this racist act every time he ventures into America. You never see him dressed like that in Hawaii, for in Hawaii he has his little Polynesian short pants on with luau shirt.
In Chicago, he wears his little square bottom shirts not tucked in, in solidarity with Louis Farrakhan's hood of thug politics.

In America though, Obama pulls out his N word for Americans in defining them as rubes, roundheads, rednecks and red state, and the liberal puppy press never calls him on it as that is what Halperin and Remnick think of those folks and Obama's wrinkled shirt face paint goes unchallenged on the right as they are either too cowardly or out of touch with racism to figure out that Obama has been lookin' your woman up and down while flippin' you the bird.

None of this is by accident. Obama's dictator Admiral shows up in his little Admiral suit, the Secret Service shows up in Ohio wearing their business suits, but Obama in America shows up dripping in racism and not one person bothers to call him on it.

For the fact, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton draped themselves and every photo op with American Flags. The thing B. Hussein Obama drapes hisself in though is sweaty wrinkled shirts as that is what he in racism thinks Americans all dress in, in piles of perspiration as them folks bleat about as sheep waitin' for Washintun' to come shear them and do a little herdin'.

FOLK: A social division of (usually preliterate) people.

That is the definition Americans and that is what Obama is defining you as.

How does it feel having clever thug Obama using his N word on you daily and Jake Tapper not asking him about folks as he parrots Obama in mooselums?


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