Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obama's Arlington National Cemetery Fiasco

I honestly do not know from the Pat Tillman degradation to the current body dumping at Arlington National Cemetery what in the hell is wrong with these political retards who are in the military and civilian government causing misery concerning American dead Soldiers.

Does America no longer have common sense in this Age of Obama or is America now a place where "lies can not be told" even if it is to a Nazi looking for Ann Frank hid in your attic?

I just can not comprehend how the staff at Arlington, the US military, Pentagon, that dolt Robert Gates and the Obama White House in David Axelrod with Val-erie Jarrett could go public with the body dumping at Arlington, unless they desired to torture the families of the living and dead.

For the record, do you really think that every Soldier sent home or buried in the cemeteries around the world is the right one? Do you really think that all of those caskets had bodies in them?

Use your common sense in humanity, in sometimes a GI on morgue duty is going to fake a death date so some kid is not going to remember Christmas is the day their old man died or some bit of flesh off of who knows what is going to be sent stateside or put into a grave, because some GI is not going to have another family not have closure.

That is what made me furious over Pat Tillman's case. The asses who told that family their loved one was a jerk and what really happened there should have faced court martial. The dead are all heroes and in some cases if part of John Smith is buried in a grave of Jamaal Olanka to give that family some peace, then so be it.
One certainly does not after the fact start telling family members, "Oh by the way your loved one is buried on top of someone else's loved one so we are going to disturb them and you just because we can not tell a lie".

Horse sh*t on a shingle! Obama told hand fulls of whoppers at his last press conference from seeing oil coated birds flying around to the beaut there is no more oil on land to drill and that is why we are in deep water.

When no one knows the difference and in 50 years those who care are all going to be dead, and rectifying mistakes is only going to hurt Soldiers and their families, common sense and human decency dictates you keep your mouth shut and file the paper work in the trash.

Who in Obama hell decided at this point in Arlington to do a review of dead bodies? That alone smacks of one more slap at Soldiers and families from these Marxists to degrade morale.

I really believe that 2/3rds of Americans are so without a brain now that the crimes of Obama mean nothing, and there is that majority of political whores in and out of the military like the two dick Admirals in Bribery Joe Sestak and the Dictator in the Gulf, that Wes Clarke torching babies at the Branch Davidians is the marching orders.

We have idiot census workers getting police to murder Citizens and now we have in the latest Age of Obama degradation, the disturbing of the dead.

Where in the hell are the Americans any more as this is not the George S. Patton Nation which would stand or pull stuff like this.

If you don't have the sense to be American any longer, just take a Darwin candidate number as Obama is about to blow all of you spacetakers up with a Muslim nuke.

o>, that good children is the international symbol of an American flat top crew, of a fist being pulled out of a hand, which translates get your head out of your a**.

You people pulling this stuff in the military try it and stop being Obama.
