Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama's Coastal Police Assault the GOP States Again

Dictator Thad Allen absolutely needs to be fired for stopping barges from sucking up oil in Gulf over issues if there are fire extinguishers on board.

As Gen. McClellan learned from an insightful George W. Custer as everyone debated how deep the river was to cross, and Custer rode out and said, "It is this deep General!", is it so much for these lard ass Obamites to get off their fat cherry pie asses and GO OUT TO THE BARGES WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AS THEY CONTINUE TO WORK, instead of being Obama anal orifices so sucked up into themselves that their burps are farts causing more Obama damage on to the GOP Gulf States.

How much more evidence do Americans need to witness that Obama is committing Gulf genocide on those Americans down there in coming up with some asinine rule of fire extinguishers which could have been solved by dictator me in taking the ordnance out to the barges.

Could you imagine at Pearl Harbor if FDR had stopped rescue work, because the Coast Guard needed to check if fire extinguishers were on board the rescue boats?

Could you imagine at the Twin Towers if George W. Bush had stopped rescue work to make sure that the fire department had certified oxygen tanks for their hazmat suits?

Look America, you are so Obamatized that you won't fire crook Obama, won't fire that blubbering idiot Biden and you won't fire that criminal Holder.
Is it too much to demand that this Obama appointed rectal ass in dictator Thad Allen be fired for being a dumb ass, because Obama told him to come up with a way to shut down the oil sucking barges so GOP Louisiana will be destroyed?

Goodness Bob Jindal, have you been hanging around that genocidal maniac so long, that you couldn't have come up with by God's Grace a boat filled with a few fire extinguishers and went out on those boats with your State Police and told the Obama Coastal police to get the F off your boats and if they didn't move they would be arrested and tried for crimes against Louisiana and hung by you personally?

"We are all in this together. The enemy is the oil," said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Dan Lauer.

No you dumb ass. Obama is tar balling America. Oil is not the enemy and Americans are not crawled up Obama's ass with you.


Obama's SS Asses