By the time Mr. Reagan finished his terms in office, the free world had become a flaming torch, lighting the darkest gulags behind Iron Curtains and bamboo prisons, with the shining hope that America could be transplanted anywhere in the world, for she was of the heart, and as long as you believed, God would move evil empires, topple regimes, and tear down walls which seemed rooted to the fastness of enslavement, because responsible liberty was the planting which would break forth through the concrete of tyranny.
By Mr. Reagan's 3rd term, Panama was free, Saddam Hussein was rolled back under President Bush, and the entire body of eastern Europe was set free at last.
By Mr. Reagan's 4th and 5th term under Bill Clinton, the small states of the Balkans had become free.
By Mr. Reagan's 6th and 7th terms under President George W. Bush, communist Muslims were making their own voted mistakes in Gaza and their own triumphs in free elections in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Georgia and Ukraine were triumphing in peaceful revolutions, the Stans were voting in free elections, but vigilance showed that the cruel tyranny of old in Venezuela and Nicaragua was making inroads as the resolute were squandering the chance of freedom bestowed.
There was hope with Ronald Reagan in a better tomorrow. There was the dream that always things would work out for the best. There was the reality of prosperity, peace, security and America leading with her best of friends in the British and Israeli state, that America was born again anew with every dawn.

Aaron Burr, the Confederate conspiracy, Joe McCarthy uncovering the menace of communism, John Kennedy assassinated, all prove that in her midst, America has those whose interests are not by the people, of the people or for the people.
Sometimes, Americans are too naive in trusting those at their word when those words of change are not for America's better City on a Hill, but instead a shattering of every pillar upon which that Nation was founded upon, defended and prospered upon as a new people in an old world.
If one casts their gaze upon the fruited plain from sea to shining sea, there are not a thousand points of light to illuminate through industrious freedom a better America for all, but a thousands points of darkness under Barack Hussein Obama in windows darkened in foreclosed homes, Detroit in dark land plots as a city is tilled, banks with the drapes over windows as shrouds in failing and now a Gulf tar balled by sabotage and deliberate dithering to change America into a casket of Marxism where feudalism has children on British Petroleum welfare robbing pensioners while the Obama's eat kobe beef.
I have heard a lie repeated often enough in America by Obamites which goes something like George W. Bush took over a plane flying just fine, and by the time Barack Obama leaped into the seat the jet was in a nose dive and America was seconds away from crashing, and now those challenging Mr. Obama are complaining that the jet is not soaring to the skies fast enough with pilot B. Hussein Obama at the controls.
For the Truth, George W. Bush took over a jet which was stalled in the 1999 Bill Clinton recession brought about by Mr. Clinton's retroactive taxes which killed the Reagan expansion.
Mr. Bush's jet had Al Gore siphoning off the fuel in his election fraud, the jet of defense had not been service due to Mr. Clinton's cut backs and on 9 11, the enemies across the globe of these United States blew off three of the four engines America was flying on.
America faced nuclear terrorism, global depression and an enemy which had been let on board the jet by Clintonites.
This was the impossible situation President Bush faced in his taking controls of the American plane. Instead of blaming anyone, he infused new fuel of 1 trillion dollars in spending starting a housing expansion for all, and he put out the engine fires of terrorism all alone to regain the American ship, while battling Pelosi and the old Europeans who were telling the terrorists the American flight path.
In all of that, including the 2008 economic terrorist attack on America by Soros speculation in food and fuel, along with the deliberate Obama cronies imploding the housing and finance situation to loot America first in Iceland, then in France, which finally settled in America, George Bush handed over by January 2009 for a 350 million dollar bailout, an American jet which had regained altitude, was rising in Iraq was Mission Complete, Afghanistan was stabilized and Europe was under a missile shield from nuclear threats.
Into that fine airplane Barack Hussein Obama climbed and in treachery he deliberately nosed dived America, and in his latest manifestation for his passing his agenda has polluted the GOP Gulf States in genocide.
Those are the facts. George W. Bush maintained Ronald Reagan's Shining City on a Hill and filled America with homes of thousands of lights in personal ownership and freedom around the world.
That stewardship, piloting and husbandry of the American Dream for the world, was apologized for by B. Hussein Obama and bowed to in unelected despots around the world.
There were a thousand points of light in America before Mr. Obama and a billion points of hope in the Reagan legacy.
Now all there is, is a thousand points of tar balls in America from Mr. Obama and a billion points of despair as he lifts the Iron Curtain imprisoning and enslaving all the peoples Ronald Reagan set free.
America the beautiful has become Obama the tar balled cesspool.
Those are the facts.