Now that this has time to cool off in Obama's Gulf Gusher speech, and that Bill O'Reilly has plagiarized this blog in repeating what was written here long ago in the left has turned on Obama, it is time to address what MSNBC in Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann were really doing when that entire cable source threw down on Obama.
They were Negro Whoopin'.
If this was Democrat Jim Webb in his college days it would be called N*gger Knockin', but in New York intellectuals, one has to comprehend it was sophisticated in being like Bill Clinton terming Obama as "that bright boy" which is code for an uppity n*gger which all blacks got and this blog had to explain to anal Noel Sheppard types at Newsbusters.
See what Matthews and Olbermann were up to was not calling out the hounds and whippin' up on a runaway off the plantation, which is what Democrat Howard Metzenbaum tried to do on Clarence Thomas, and the way liberals treat future Congresswoman Star Parker, but what these Massa Socialist National Broadcasting Company was up to in bashing Obama was tryin' to get that high dollar black to tote that bail as that is what he was paid for.
Bill Maher and Spike Lee want Obama to be the Chicago thug in being the sociopath Obama is. That is why they want him angry and all Obama can do is talk about "ass" which is on his gay mind.
They want their property they invested in to show some spunk and life, so they can get a good days work out of him.
That is where Olbermann and Matthews come in as the Overseers of the slaves, as in them old plantation days, some days the big boss man just had to send out his property managers with a whip and get them slaves to high step it a little faster as they was just plain lazy.
Obama is doing all he can for two weeks now playing golf in the humidity and heat to show his blackness, but the Overseers at MSNBC want more than sweat, they want their work for the feed they have invested in this house negro who is supposed to be converting the veranda to Mexican guest quarters, opening the safe in share the loot with the KKK at the window and rewriting the Massa's will, so they inherit the big house.
Obama has instead just been up to the house, sippin' mint juleps, ridin' the white folks male and female for sexual interludes and listening to the minstrels like Paul McCartney strummin' on the banjo all day.
The white liberal racists are not getting any work out of the investment they made, so they needed to go out and do some whoopin' on that bright boy to get some work out of hisself.
Now what MSNBC and racist liberals did has been missed by most of America, and the black Obama voters know what happened, but they also know they been eatin' collards and no fat back while Obama has been chewing on the kobe beef, so they like the Congressional Black Caucus think Obama needs some whoopin' on to share the kobe a little bit along with some of that fine entertainment.
The sound of Matthews and Olbermann was them crackin' the whips to let Obama know the real leather was coming if he doesn't start givin' them an honest day servitude.
I know the cushy millionaires like Bill O'Reilly in voting for Obama will never have the testicles to point out what liberals just do to tan man Obama. That though is the translation of the racist reality on the left and once again it is by God's Graced exclusively explaind here.
Not a high tech lynching, but an electronic whoopin' by the overseers of MSNBC.