Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Biblical Leader for our Time

Yair and Avner Netanyahu

In the old west, the frontiersmen would become bread and vegetable hungry living among the Indians, as the Indians were basically meat eaters who would dine on the intestines of buffalo.
In that they would eat lambsquarter which is a weed and resort to eating parfleche for bread which was noting but powdered meat and tallow which was horrid.

In the new west, one starts yearning for leadership after this drought of Obama dithering and destruction, so much so one's soul starts to thirst for it.

One beholds Hamid Karzai praising US Soldiers as his own and thinks, "That is amazing to see a real President in office knowing how to be a leader".

In that, the United States has a defacto foreign President as this blog has pointed out in Benjamin Netanyahu. The Prime Minister of the Israeli state is now leader of American foreign policy as Obama abdicated, retreated and dithered his way to oblivion.
Obama just does not matter.

It brightens one though to hear Prime Minister Netanyahu speak of the Bible. It is heartening to hear Mr. Netanyahu early in his Administration before his Congress be quoted as follows:

Netanyahu told a parliamentary session commemorating Israel's capture of East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 war that "Jerusalem" and its alternative Hebrew name "Zion" appear 850 times in the Old Testament, Judaism's core canon.

"As to how many times Jerusalem is mentioned in the holy scriptures of other faiths, I recommend you check," he said.

Citing such ancestry, Israel calls all of Jerusalem its "eternal and indivisible" capital.

That is a far cry form B. Hussein Obama kicking black people out of a Church in Easter Sunday so he could sit in a pew, calling Jews disgusting and telling Jews they can not pray in Jerusalem.

What is most notable about Mr. Netanyahu is when he visits America, he embraces American Christians as a core support group for Jews around the world and the Israeli state.
He told Jewish Larry King when queeried that he does have time to relax and he observes it always on Saturday the true Sabbath, and he reads the Bible with his son, who is now so adept at Scriptures that he is teaching the Prime Minister.

This is not some farce or photo op, but the real Biblical leader and his family of Sarah, his lovely wife, and Jerry and Abner his handsome sons. (Sara in Hebrew and Yair and Avner for the boys.)
We know this because Abner participated in the International Bible Contest, a sort of Jeopardy finals in Jerusalem in April and defeated 50 other children at which he reached the finals, and his proud father was there as one of the judges asking questions to note the importance of this event.
For the record, Mrs. Netanyahu's three brothers have participated in this contest having high scores.

I personally yearn for a leader who is genuine with his family in searching the Scriptures and not having one concern about liberals and their fiction of separation of Church and state. When one has been without leadership now with Obama, one starts noticing more and more what a void America has become as in the days of Jimmy Carter.
Even Bill Clinton with his crocodile tears at least made the right moves so America at least had someone at the helm. Granted Mr. Clinton was not a George W. Bush in being a moral leader.

Mr. Netanyahu has always interested me as his family has. His older brother was supposed to be a Prime Minister groomed like Joe Kennedy did Joseph, but that brave son died rescuing Jews in Uganda from terrorists.
Some have said that Benjamin was not of the quality of his brother, but Benjamin Netanyahu has shown abilities that rival Hosni Mubarak as one of the greatest world leaders of the modern era. Mr. Netanyahu survived the Clinton coup against him, and has survived two Obama coups against him in the worst sort of treatment.
He is the American foreign policy President and the testimony of that is he deals with Egypt and Saudi Arabia on personal levels, and if one notices after Obama staged the Turkish flotilla to disrupt the Israeli state, it was an Israeli warship which accompanied the USS Truman armada to send a new message of who is the leader not only protecting Jewish interests, but now protecting American interests.

The Bible Codes which I find interesting as they seem to reflect not predictions but the collective soul of thought in events as they play out, link Mr. Netanyahu to the Third Temple. As that conversation has not been prevalent, it appears somewhere in this time frame that this subject will be on the world's mind.
I have no doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu if a fraction of an inch of room were available in some future event, that he would back the building of Ezekiel's Third Temple over night and accomplish it that fast.
Mr. Netanyahu is every bit the equal of Prime Minister Begin, the greatest PM the Israeli state was ever led by.

Perhaps though this is a fitting humor involving Mr. Netanyahu that as Americans yearning for a real leader ponder him, and Prime Minister Netanyahu looking for a real American leader to deal with is looking toward Sarah Palin in 2012, who this blog in God's Grace is looking for too.

A genuine Bible reading leader. How wonderful that is. Would I hope that Mr. Netanyahu in time with his family comes to the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, the One Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were justified in looking for in believing the Promise and all who believe Jesus came and will return are justified as the Patriarchs are, most certainly it is my hope for all Jews to be fulfilled as a brother tribe to America, as they one day will be.
It is though comforting to have a leader who is actually real and has a connection with God in a real religion he, like Chirst, has a custom of reading the Scriptures on the Sabbath.

Netanyahu immediately referred to the Sabbath.

"It's a very good idea that this institution was brought into the world," he said, noting he takes an hour and a half each Saturday to read with his 15-year-old son.

"I relax then. I draw a lot of spiritual strength," the prime minister told King. "You know, I used to teach him. He is now 15. But in the last couple of years, he teaches me. So, yes, I draw enormous reservoirs of strength and I think that is needed for all leaders, but especially for the leaders of Israel."


PS: As was covered in this blog, it is driving the Obama regime nuts that the Israeli Government is now progressing toward the day Sarah Palin is President, and that Mr. Netanyahu personally with his Government is going directly to their American support in Congress and the Christian, Patriot Right in speaking to them.

PSS: Is it not wonderful to hear a father in Benjamin Netanyahu praise his children for their intelligence and Spiritual leadership, instead of B. Hussein Obama with the wife calling their children fat, and pointing out humiliating things like they have braces, among other strange things.

Biblical Benjamin Netanyahu

The Biblical Netanyahu Family