Thursday, July 15, 2010

You betcha this blog stands up for Mel Gibson

pig in heat oksana grigorieva

With the continued crucifixion of Catholic Mel Gibson in the Obama press, this blog willingly chooses to stand with Mel Gibson in championing a man who has made mistakes, but has spoken absolute truths.

The mistakes Mel Gibson has made, well I will post what the quote was, and then explain:

You’re an embarrassment to me. You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault. How dare you act like such a bitch when I have been so f**king nice.

I am going to come and burn the f**king house down… but you will blow me first.

With those facts stated, the mistakes Mel Gibson made have to do with falling into the Vatican trap which started all of this in the stations of Christ's passion as this blog exclusively reported on when Mr. Gibson released his movie.
One has to understand that the early Vatican was a money machine mingled with the Simon magik in incorporating pagan customs to get the locals all to join the universal church. The stations are the Vaticans way of making people feel good about themselves in they helped Jesus. That of course is a falacy in Jesus had no help and did it all alone, but when one attaches themselves to this dogma it is not just people showing compassion, but satan opens it up to people overcame as Jesus could not do it alone.
In that, people are raised to a god status and all of their faults become amplified and used against them.
This is what satan has been accomplishing against Mel Gibson in this Vatican brand of look to the Pope alone and not Jesus with the Latin mass. Mr. Gibson is under intense abandonment, isolation and attack of evil thoughts from liberals, and he has buckled to drinking and sex to try to get by, as these Hollywood malevolent soul suckers drag him down.

Mel Gibson needs to face the flaws of his armour, and put on Jesus alone, as Jesus did not need the Catholic church as none existed when He was crucified.

That explains the Spiritual and spiritual of Mel Gibson.

For the rest, one has to understand that Oksana Grigorieva is a whore. That might seem harsh, but decades ago while American were immersed in Bill Clinton, things were tough in Russia and the cinema there promoted the good whore movies, where all these miserable Russian women, being beaten on, raped, impregnated and abandoned by the Putincrats sought escape from their reality, and that reality was flesh traffic.
The movie was about a good whore who meets a western rich guy and Pretty Woman follows him off to the land of sunsets and rainbows.

An entire generation of femme fetals has emerged, and an entire group of ugly, bald dorks from America have been marrying hot Slavic women as pimps ever since. That is why the US Congress passed a law banning direct Russian dating commerce as there was so much of this going on.

Oksana Girgorieva snared Timothy Dalton of James Bond years ago, and spread her legs for the biggest cash bull in the semen factory of Hollywood in Mel Gibson.
Gibson in distress over all the spiritual attacks on him bit this vixen and just like Wilt Chamberlain had those easy prego chics, this Russian whore got prego to tap into Mel Gibson.

Gibson who was used to his nice Catholic girl soon found he was with a whore who was feeding on the lusts of men in getting off on it.

For the record, I have numerous friends around America and as examples, a Mexican stole the cat of one, brought the cat back at night and as he got in the door with the cat tried to rape this mother of 3.
Another West Virginia petite thing is at the mall and gets looked up and down by Mexican illegals.
Another in Ohio was at a doctors office, and black Obamite was undressing her with his eyes doing the "hey baby" disrespect, to such an extent the woman said she would never go back to that doctors office again alone.

So Mel Gibson using the pack of n*ggers line, he is speaking the reality which numerous America Ladies face daily now as Obama imports all these 3rd world beasts and now the Obamites on the black streets think all women want to get f*cked by them, so they treat these shocked American Ladies with absolute disrespect.
For the record when Jesse Jackson was talking about castrating Obama, that castration and those lynchings were from an era when these 3rd world perverts could not control their sexual drives and sexing everything in sight.

Now that really is not politically correct as all of that has to be hidden in Peggy Noonan lust, but the fact is the majority of American Ladies do not appreciate the overt assaults they are now having to deal with. Yes I know fully that women are always in low cut tops, and yes they rub their boobs on men in these games, but this is what the American woman is about in she wants attention, but on her terms as she has the off switch.
The problem is there is no off switch on the Obamites.

This is not Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, J.C.Watts etc... and Mel Gibson knows this and is not referring to these Gentlemen as a horn dog mob. Everyone in this knows very well the crass and animalistic trash who Mr. Gibson is speaking about.

And for the record in defense of all males, there is nothing worse, and this is what Mel Gibson is speaking from as a fifty something male who is not that large, to have a wife or girlfriend dressing for attention, getting that attention, getting in over her head, and then she can't handle it, but like a dog barking at a grizzly comes running back to Mel with a group of 5 guys as 3rd worlders always travel in packs, and there stands Mel trying to figure out how not to die and end up with only 10,000 dollars worth of dental bills.

I know Mel Gibson in the man he is. He is American and Outback in the same package. He is all man. He once related in Australia how those barbarians at a party once just hauled off and hit him in the face.
Mel said what the hell did you do that for!
The Ozzie just said about it was just a mate thing to do.

So Mel just shrugged his shoulders and waited a few minutes and decked the mate back. Of course as Gibson related, he got the worst of it as there were more Australians than Americans in Australia, he at least got his licks in before being pounded.

Mel Gibson is a passionate man and a great loyal friend. His recorded statements reveal a person of honor in a knightly code. He even explains he married a whore who gets off on the physical in the Russian would Monica him before he burned down the house.
Oksana Grigorieva gets off on the SM.

She is a nasty little creature too in she tapes people unawares, which means she was pushing Gibson's buttons knowing how to get him to go off in a rant, which she knew would come. She manipulated this and is not the innocent she claims to be, no more than she is lying now in she never leaked those tapes as she made the tapes, and gave them to her thugs to leak.

This is what you get when you marry a Russian whore. That is Mel Gibson's mistake and what he said was right as much as what Michael Steele stated in Afnamistan is Obama's war by choice. The patricians just don't like the facts in poking the poodle, as the facts get in the way of their fantasy.
Obama gets excuses made for him. Gays are never queer shoving rodents up their asses and when you utter the n word, you are guilty of things worse than being a Russia whore breaking up a Catholic marriage with children, because Mel Gibson had the billion dollar bank account.

Oh and how Oksana got to Gibson is obvious in the tapes in she got Mel drinking and then smoked his cigar with gusto and pretended to like it, as Mel ranted at her venting all the Hollywood hurts Mary Hart has been destroying him with.

This is conditioned response and Mel Gibson was exposed Spiritually in this by needing human help which always fails and a Russian who was combining Mr. Gibson's weaknesses of alcohol and sex.
Oksana Grigorieva enabled Mr. Gibson's faults and then exploited them.

........and for the people who are shocked at how the she vixen is the manipulator in this, you just ask an honest Lady sometime all the games women play in picking fights with men and then blaming the man, after they started it, and then using that as an excuse to go off and cheat.

I hope that Mr. Gibson finds Jesus, and Jesus finds better people for Mr. Gibson to have as a circle of friends, as the people's choices always end up in disasters as satan and his demons are always attached to something pretty ready to exploit you and then destroy you.

satan and that creatures minions did not appreciate Mel Gibson making a religious movie which took that billion out of the satan's realm and put it into the ranks where it was doing some good.

Oh and Mel Gibson did not attribute one cent to this article as no one does. This blog is only interested in setting the facts straight for those who are being destroyed by the Obama world Obama gets away with Gulf Gusher genocide in the GOP States.

nuff said

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PS: As Gramma always said, "Marry your own kind".

That is why Prince Charles is having no problems with Camilla.

That is why Muchelle Obama is having so much unhappy marriage days with Bearick jr.