Thursday, July 29, 2010

Doctor My Obama

In the hidden bowels of all the Obama documents are the most interesting threads that if one was pulled, thee entire medley of Obama deception would unravel.

Workers in Iowa are prosecuted for not even looking at Obama's fraudulent college loan applications.

Workers delving into Obama passports, end up dead outside a Church in a parking lot.

That is the mystery in Obama in Hawaii, Pakistan, Indonesia and Kenya can not cover up fast enough nor tight enough to keep hidden just what is a Bearick Hussein Obama.

Absolutes are the necessity in this, and we know absolutely one can not gain admittance to Pakistan as Obama stated he traveled there, without the absolutes of a Pakistani visa and the absolutes of having certain vaccinations.

B. Hussein Obama, visited the New York embassy of Pakistan before his trip. This is an absolute which it would be most interesting to have Major Garrett actually ask that line of questions to Mr. Obama in a press conference.

The vaccines are interesting as young Barry must have had a host of them in being adopted into Indonesia. While Jakarta is not known for Malaria, Pakistan is indeed known for this plague, and a host of other things Mr. Obama would have to be vaccinated for.

Malaria, polio, Japanese encephalitis, typhoid, hepatitis, measles of all types, diphtheria, tetanus etc... are the kind of pin cushion young Barry had jamming in his butt all to be Asian.

Pakistan in the hinterlands where Obama was partridge hunting has hosts of nasty things like brucellosis, Saddam Hussein's West Nile, leptospirosis, and one could not get into Pakistan without Yellow Fever immunization.

All of that is very interesting as little Barry from Hawaii, must have been leaving tracks all over New York City at hospitals and the Pakistani embassy there for his little bird hunting safari.

There must be all sorts of interesting data, including CIA and FBI Freedom of Information Act documents on a college manifesto kid going in and out of the Pakistani embassy, while living with a Pakistani world student here on a visa.
Mama working on the Ford Foundation dole, it would have picked up attention on both sides of the Iron Curtain, with black mooselum radical benefactors tied to Saudi Arabia.

Somewhere in CIA archives there is microfilm of Barry Obama in his Pakistani itinerary. This adopted Indonesian would have set off warning lights which the Bill Casey CIA would have had surveillance on.

It would be so lovely if Larry Klayman would actually mine for data in this area, because a nuclear disarmament thesis writing Indonesian, linked to communist Frank Davis, linked to the son of a Kenyan terrorist, would be someone of interest.
If the Americans "lost" their files, as it seems to prevail in the Obama sphere in cleansings, the Russians will have Barry Obama Soetoro on file, as just like Bill Clinton and Walter Cronkite they would have tagged him as an asset to exploit.

agtG 257

That traveling Bowbama

Doctor my Obama