Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Bush Fault

I say why stop in Joy Behar blaming Dick Cheney and Joe Klein's man love, B. Hussein Obama in blaming George W. Bush for everything Obama has turned from a problem into a disaster, let us really blame who is to blame.

This is all Barbara Bush's fault. If she was not such a vixen, George H. W. Bush would not have had the will to survive as a War Hero in being shot down in the Pacific during World War II.........while B. Hussein Obama's was plotting terrorism in Kenya, and later produce sperm to father George W. Bush.

This is Barbara Bush's fault once again in being such a product of healthy American genes who survived to adulthood as a beautiful woman, and attracted a hard working, successful, intelligent husband, who would father George W. Bush.

If only the Bush family was filled with sickly, globetrooping, 3rd world, bed wrastlin' man lovin', jungle fever dirty poetry perverts, and then George W. Bush would have either been eaten by a lion, dropped off in Australia, where a dingo could eat her baby, or sold to an Arabian slave trader pedophile where he could have written Obama loves sonnets, instead of serving in the military, building a beautiful family to God's glory and being around to save America from Clinton recessions and 9 11's.

Barbara Bush is at fault for instilling God into George W. Bush's life, where he met the wonderful Christian Leader in Billy Graham and became Born Again, stopped drinking. to become a productive American, instead of a divorced, doped up, welfare tramp, selling his HIV tainted blood murdering other innocent Americans.

Let us in blaming George W. Bush, put the blame on Who is really to blame in God created George W. Bush, saved George W. Bush, Jesus fought his battles for him, and has instilled in George W. Bush the complete values of Truth, Justice and the American Way.

So as this blog is a leader for liberal actions in Obama Muslim beard wearing, it is time that liberals top blaming the creation and start blaming the Creator outright, as that is what they have as cowards been doing as their son of lies, Saulite, usurper Obamas screws up on progressing ever farther into the abyss.

I would counsel liberals repent, believe in Jesus, be Baptized and be saved, but as leopards will not change their spots, let them at least stop being cowards and blaming George W. Bush, as he is just God's successful product of loving parents, a devoted wonderful wife and obedient children.

Blame those Americans and God behind George W. Bush giving him all his successes which Obama has turned into colossal failures. Doing so otherwise is just being demoniac cowards and an Obama in the White House dithering away deliberately is one enough of those yellow stripes down the liberal back of America.

Take on God liberals, as you could not defeat God in securing success for George W. Bush, and you will not be able to overcome God in making Obama's dithering failures into success.
