Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eureka another Obama miracle!

A pretty girl is like a melody..........or a lie

It took almost two years of bad omens, but eureka, B. Hussein Obama has performed his first mahdi miracle in Muslim oil mafia style in he has plugged that damn hole...........just in time for his 400th vacation this year...........

As the Wizard said though in Oz, "Pay no attention to that oil flow behind the curtain".

This blog is really pleased these liars are proving everything this blog stated about the Obama Gulf Gusher is correct in what polluting frauds this bunch is waging war on the GOP Gulf States, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and the seafood farmers in Bubba Gump.

I have a few choice quotes in this to explain how this bunch is lying cleverly to perform on Obama's declared victory in August schedule.

Lie 1: A new breach underground was a major concern going into the test, because oil breaking out of pipes in the bedrock would be harder to control and could endanger plans for a permanent plug.

A NEW BREACH, yes it is a new blow out which is the major concern, because the old blow out is not plugged and the old fissure rivers are still flowing full force.

How do we know this? Why in Lie 2.

Lie 2: One mysterious development was that the pressure readings were not rising as high as expected.

The reason the pressure readings are not rising is the original blow out and river fissures are still leaking. The pressure is slowly rising and this is explained by the fact that the natural gas is slowly being replaced by heavier crude which is acting as a "cork" in the sludge.
The few bubbles escaping are still gas leaking , but what is happening now is the gas is being built up, contained and in likelihood is being forced out in some oil river deliberately not being scanned for.

How do we know they are not conducting widespread searches monitoring the oil river fissures?

Lie 3: Undersea robots were also patrolling the well site for signs of trouble.

Clever is that not eh? They lead the stupid mind to think they are looking at the entire area, but in the truth admit they are only looking directly at the well.
The reported oil rivers which were actually producing the hundreds of mile long plumes were never near the original Obama Gusher.

Lie 4: BP is drilling two relief wells, one of them as a backup. Wells said work on the first one was far enough along that they expect to reach the broken well's casing, or pipes, deep underground by late this month. Then the job of jamming it with mud and cement could take "a number of days through a few weeks."

This well could have been capped in this manner from the first week as this blog noted. Obama now having destroyed the Gulf and those Americans there desperate now for any good lie, will now believe this cap is working when the evidence proves this is another Obama lie.
Obama had this all planned to go on vacation, and declare this his victory again, when oil and gas are still gushing away from the well head.
According to the timetable now with the heat off of Obama, BP will will initiate the original plug as was known all along, and be busy pumping Libyan crude oil Obama sold America's soul for in releasing the Lockerbie terrorist..........selling that oil to Americans.

Lie 5: BP and the federal point man for the disaster, retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, have said they may decide to reopen the cap at least partly after the 48-hour test period ends Saturday around 3:30 p.m. EDT, although it's not clear what conditions would prompt them to do so.

Obama declared victory, and now we see in 48 hours that the regime is going to open the Gusher again full bore after "tests' are completed.
Children the tests are already completed and they know there is a major river of crude and gas flowing and that is why the pressure is not coming up. What is taking place is now there is an even higher erosion rate in the fissures due to increased pressure from the cap.
Take comfort though Gulf Coast, Obama lied to you, you bought it and Obama had a peaceful vacation from Day One, not resting, until it was complete.

Lie 6: Allen said late Friday that two possible reasons were being debated by scientists: The reservoir that is the source of the oil could be running lower three months into the spill. Or there could be an undiscovered leak somewhere down in the well. Allen ordered further study but remained confident.

This blog alone warned from the beginning that these oil industry folks knew from Day One in drilling how much oil was there, how much gas pressure and exactly what it would require to blow this well out to destroy the GOP Gulf
They knew at 3 months the pressure would start to abate to the point that they could tap in new wells, plug it and declare victory even with fissure geysers still flowing away from the well thousands of yards away.
They know very well the original fissure leaks are still flowing, and they know that they might be "discovered", but with the Gulf wiped out, another year down the road, someone exposing another Obama lie and Libyan oil flowing into America, the press will just yawn and Joy Behar with Jimmy Buffett will come up with a new fabrication of, "This oil seepage found must have come from when Bush and Cheney were drilling evil oil wells during their years".

So do not buy these Associated Press lies, as this is the same Obama puppy press who have been lying to Americans from Day One in this was a methane ice explosion, along with their geezer oil experts being quoted who have been tucked away with no one reminding the world of all of these Obama lies, except this blog.

The only thing which has changed is there is now a bigger eroded fissure through the mud bed of the Gulf, which will ooze for generations to come.

Obama though was able to tell Queenie, he plugged that damn hole, but lies in that house are everytime the Obama's lips are moving.

agtG 279

No signs of leaks as the gusher flows.