Saturday, July 17, 2010

From the mouths of Democrats

The following is an exclusive as by God's Grace has been a numerous pile of exclusives found only here, while other national radio personalities have been 6 weeks to two years in announcing exclusives found here...........and up on their sites and later.

The fact in this is starting out is Democrats lie. If their lips are moving they are lying. Nancy Pelosi's eyes blink like Geiger Counter, because she is thinking off so many lies one is surprised her pupils do not spin like slot machines. The NeoProg leadership which has seized the Democratic party is nothing, but deceptive satan's children and even they surprise the king and queen of liars in Bill and Hillary Clinton in being out lied by B. Hussein Obama in his stealing the 2008 primary.

In this, I have been rummaging around in the brain of a Democratic insider of around 25 cases of memoirs of a man who has had his finger on the pulse of the worst of this NeoProg ilk in Michael S. Berman.
Mr. Berman is from Minnesota, so yes he is still part of a regime which helped Al Franken steal the 2008 election from Senator Norm Coleman, in Franken not only created votes, stole votes, but now it has been revealed Franken literally won by having convicts who are barred from voting provide his margin of victory.
Al Franken is as illegitimate as B. Hussein Obama in stealing the White House.

Mr. Berman has in this era of Russian spies in the Obama regime being shipped out of the country by Obama, before they can spill the caviar on Birdy, has been featured by his code name, Elmer Fudd, not so much to protect his identity, but he looks like Elmer Fudd.
What Mr. Berman is though as a liar enabler is a Hubert Humphrey Democrat, like Walter Mondale which means these Democrats were mostly honest people, but the children they spawned like Tom Daschle and B. Hussein Obama were full blown Marxists and a threat to America.

In stating that, Mr. Berman around his Letterman cocktail crowd patricians does tell the truth, which in his archives is quite interesting as he starts rattling on about things.
The things I have found in Mr. Berman's brain are quite revealing in he actually confirmed exactly what this blog has stated in that there are agents in the RHINO Republicans beyond those exposed here like Baldy Schmidt who have been character assassinating Sarah Palin to their liberal propagandists, but who actually sabotaged the John McCain campaign.

What the insider to Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, and confidante of the Clintons revealed was that the same "Bush" operative who was working to destroy John McCain in 2000 was like the Willie Horton operatives who just so happened in 2008 when Conservatives were desperately trying to save America, when Rush Limbaugh was having Elton John flashforwards, like the majority of the Obama right in it was not just Ann Coulter, Pegs Noonan and Noel Sheppard outwardly giving Obama their votes, but an entire group who did not even bother to try and tell their groups to if you are going to vote for Obama at least vote for you GOP representative to counter Obama.
Strange is it not, what, these folks have created and now stand around like Rush Limbaugh broadcast on his July 12,2001 program that there were no Republican candidates describing B. Hussein Obama for the liar he is.

Incredible is that not? Perhaps the blonde had rubbed off on Doctor Limbaugh and masturbation has made him blind as Matt Drudge for 18 months has been featuring one Sarah Palin constantly alerting the public to B. Hussein Obama's liars. Perhaps rationed death has missed Mr. Limbaugh's gaze or perhaps Mr. Limbaugh is already of that continued group sabotaging Americas best hope in Gov. Sarah Palin.

Ask yourself just what would be the purpose of such a lie from Rush Limbaugh and why as it only helps Obama?
Ask yourself why Rush Limbaugh on July 12th took credit for the Obama analysis of Obama is going to blame Congress and wants the GOP to win Congress, when it was exclusively laid out here months ago.
They call that plagiarism, bite me style.

What Michael S. Berman though revealed fully was thee most damning of things which should have Joseph Farah actually noticing this as it deals with that fraud Mitt Romney lurking in the GOP as a Republican.
What Mr. Berman reveals is the same person or group who sabotaged John McCain 2000, showed up immediately on the announcement of Fred Thompson, the real Conservative, with a website smearing Thompson.

Figure this out children, this is not, this is not Keith Olbermann, this is from inside the GOP which was exclusively exposed here in this bunch is who smeared Dan Quayle, the Conservative, the same bunch who destroyed all the Senate Conservative Republicans from Trent Lott, Larry Craig and George Allen which this blog has identified as Bush patricians.
This is the same group who ripped Ronald Reagan a new A HOLE as Mark Levin would call it from 1988 onward under the guise of building up George H. W. Bush, they weren't building up Bush, they were this Buckleyite crowd William F. Buckley sowed into the GOP who started with John Birchers and have been on a terror for 50 years trying to obliterate Conservatives WITH BY OTHER CONsevatives.

This is from the mouth of Michael Berman, a key Democratic insider whose Clinton group was wiped out in 2008 by the same patricians on the left. This same group was in this together to elect B. Hussein Obama, and like Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court are protecting Obama on the right as sick as on the left.
Berman has no reason to lie and is not lying. His group came under this same attack machine.

If you desire more proof, who was on the "listening tour" telling Republicans to be more like Obama, but Jindal, Huckabee and the ever lovely Jeb Bush, who if you recall told the GOP that Reagan was ROAD KILL.
And who was linked directly into the Romney campaign, but Jeb Bush and his folks, once again the very traitors who destroyed Fred Thompson in their media connection which started with that ass Joe Scarbarough calling Jeri Thompson a Pole Dancer.

None of this happens by accident and is deliberate sabotage by design, just like Barack Obama instigating this BP Gusher and then expanding it on genocide to the GOP Gulf States.
.......and how long were the excuses from the right that was not Obama terrorism? Why 6 weeks they tried to tamp that story down this blog continued to expose.

I have warned readers before that Rush Limbaugh knows a whole lot more than he ever lets on in broadcast and he covers up infinite amounts of information as he is on the inside of this, and his broadcasting on July 12, 2001, that no one in the Republican candidates is defining Obama?

That is a load of garbage and he knows it. Mr. Limbaugh also knows full well that there can not be any announced candidates as Reagan would note in running this early, voters would have fatigue and abandon an early popular favorite.

I have championed Rush Limbaugh when he was unfairly attacked, but he knows what Michael Berman knows in it was Mitt Romney who sabotaged the Conservative Fred Thompson and smeared his lovely wife, all so Obama would be elected, his disaster would ruin the nation, and Mitt Romney would be there with his assassin squad to pick up the pieces with other frauds like Newt Gingrich to take over the work of the Tea Party.
Why in hell do you think Lindsey Gay Ear Obama Graham is saying the Tea Party movement will disappear?

It is because this Romney group is going to betray it and destroy it over the next two years so it is not a movement to get behind any real Western Conservatives like Sarah Palin.

Why do you not hear or read any of this from the so called champions of the right in the front benchers? It is all known by them, Michael Berman has it in his papers and has spoken in public about all of this in a conference at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

My children you watch yourselves as you have been warned. I do this not to fragment the right, but so you can hold Limbaugh and this group accountable the way this blog exposed him and Roger Hedgecock and Newsbusters for the frauds they were on bio fuels produced by American farmers in blaming them.
Gee who were they helping out but big oil like Obama, and it was the American farmer who was made to be the bad guy as was the policy of keeping a portion of that oil money into America.

Wasn't it amazing how biofuels were blamed by this bunch for high grain prices, and we still have biofuels today and grain prices are being suppressed by Obama in another attack on farmers.

Do not be lemmings following Pied Piper Obama over the cliff and all of you had better notice the iceberg under Rush Limbaugh he is covering up as he only tells you what he is being paid for you to learn.

Democrats are not the only ones who are lying when their lips are moving. Sometimes it is Mitt Romney in character assassination as other Limbaugh lips remain silent in their lies.

God bless
