Friday, July 30, 2010


Do you remember when New Orleans was the liberal welfare program for the nation and George W. Bush's holocaust on blacks?

Wash a few whorehouses, crack dens and sodomite beat shops and one would think that the whole Gulf Coast was disappearing.

Remember there was crocodile rock tears Shep Smith rolling about begging for help for New Orleans? There was Jerry Rivers, aka, Geraldo Rivera reporting on crocodile tears and who will ever forget humanitarian, Sean Penn, roaming about the back waters of Louisiana looking for people to shoot.

The Huffington Post loons were still whining about Katrina two years later, when this blog proved that from Oklahoma to the Dakotas in that very same year, a massive ice storm, blizzard and 20 below Arctic cyclone destroyed that area, to which liberals never bothered reporting on it and FEMA was so generous in it gave one fly over the region to look at people freezing to death.

So in the excuses for Obama, where is Obama voter Shep Smith crying down in the Gulf over Obama's polluting of that area?
Where is Geraldo Rivera at in investigating the complete sabotage of that well and the absolute criminal polluting by Obama?
I do know where Sean Penn is? He could care less about the Gulf as apparently there were no people there to shoot last time, but he is in Haiti learning about a liberal system as a communist and going on Charlie Rose to explain how to make it more liberal to ruin those French negroid's lives further.

At least though, the wrinkled and aging psychopathic Fast Times Penn made it to Haiti as Obama has a fear of blacks in never having visited there.

A note to Sean Penn, if you really want to fix Haiti, institute land reform, base it on the Jewish models in the Israeli state, set overseers to help these people form cooperatives and build that nation one rugged individual from the ground up.
Otherwise Haiti will always be what it always has been, a funnel for American money flowing into despots hands and flowing back into your liberal American and European banks in modern slavery of Haitians.

As for Shep and Jerry, the mutt and Jeff duo of Obama's flea infested puppy press, what frauds they are in covering up this Gulf Gusher criminality on Obama's part.
This blog exclusively stated that BP would be cannibalized and it is now being spoken on in key assets in America are being looked at in a GM Obama type firesale.

BP knows what Obama put it up to in rigging this disaster and BP knows Obama has managed this as an economic catastrophe.

Obama is even like in Iranian Patriots now paying lip service to the BP drilling in Libya 'in being against it'. If readers check, this was only after this blog made the Lockerbie terror link to Libyan oil and the Obama sabotage of the Gulf Gusher.

Currently, there are BP and Government insiders desperately leaking information what Obama is covering up in major oil rivers and new leaks, but the media makes mention of them and no one on the right or left bothers exposing this Obama criminal fraud. It is all Shep Smith still stinking his nose and I mean STINKING his nose into Sean Hannity's radio slots doing the "news" without one mention of the facts of Obama criminality and Jerry Rivers........well he apparently is so at large now, that he can't even find a story for FOX.

This media is all fraud. Except for a few front benchers, the rest are nothing but morons or shills, and most times they are in the same Cynthia McFadden whore package. Thee worst man made environmental disaster in world history, created by Obama's benefactors, staged by Obama and expanded by Obama in environmental terrorism, and not one word, not one investigation and not one crocodile tear from Shep Smith.

It honestly is coming to the time of a boycott of the Rupert Murdoch Obamite empire from FOX to the Wall Street Journal. What needs to be done is stop watching frauds like Shep Smith and to hit the advertisers who bankroll Murdoch, until the point arrives that this Muslim mafia oil soaked fraudulent, traitorous group cries out, and starts ONLY putting American backed reporters and programs on.
I have not seen anything nor heard anything that Sean Hannity is a fraud. He and a few others are the only honest Americans at the Murdoch empire. The others are all in bed with Obama under orders from Murdoch.

How hard is it to show that it is impossible to turn off all those safety shut off valves? How hard is it to report as only this blog did that this was no methane ice vapor melt which caused this, proving Obama was lying from Day One? How hard is it to note that Obama has done nothing but impede the safety of the Gulf and making Americans forever tied to Muslim oil?

It is not hard at all, and yet the frauds of the puppy press, starting with Rupert Murdoch's Obamite Muslim oil media empire, are all covering up serial criminal B. Hussein Obama's numerous felonies.

Do you realize it took this blog 6 weeks to just get the front benchers to repeat that Obama was behind destroying the Gulf and now all they can do is ignore the Obama crimes.

It is not that difficult to put pressure on the frauds. They hear you by tuning out and by the chatter of posting the facts of their deceptions. Warren Buffett is still running around trying to appear humanitarian like Sean Penn, after this blog posted what a nation rapist he was and still is.

It is the backwater channels which drive the entire media, and all it requires are the Citizen repeating the Truth, as all of these frauds know what guile hydrants they are and recoil when the facts of their cover ups for Obama are exposed.

Maybe Elton Blonde can play a bump for them to make their Obama tears all into another glorious weak of success for Obama as America burns.

Let's sing........

I remember when FOX was young
Me and Obama had so much fun
Making millions and skimming funds
Shep and Rivera were on a Katrina run

But the biggest kick we ever got
Was shedding crocodile tears as Obama rocked
It was the best bed we were ever in
Selling our souls to satan and going back again

Gulf rockin' on White House night
When Barry wore his dresses tight
Gulf rockin' were lies, lies, lies
Were out of sight..........

Lies, Obama and his lies
The puppy press never questions why
In all of those lies
Those lies, Obama and his lies
Murdoch and his lies
As the Gulf it dies, dies, dies.........

The frauds and Obamalite
